USGBC AP O+M Certification Exam Syllabus

AP O+M dumps PDF, USGBC AP O+M Braindumps, free LEED AP O+M dumps, LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance dumps free downloadTo achieve the professional designation of USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance from the USGBC, candidates must clear the AP O+M Exam with the minimum cut-off score. For those who wish to pass the USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance certification exam with good percentage, please take a look at the following reference document detailing what should be included in USGBC LEED AP O+M Exam preparation.

The USGBC AP O+M Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real Certified LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance (AP O+M) exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance (AP O+M) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance Practice Exam to achieve the best result.

USGBC AP O+M Exam Summary:

Exam Name USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance
Exam Code AP O+M
Exam Fee
Combined exam: $550 ($400 for USGBC members)
Specialty only: $350 ($250 for USGBC members)
Exam Duration 120 Minutes
Number of Questions 100
Passing Score 170 out of 200
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Schedule Exam USGBC
Sample Questions USGBC LEED AP O+M Exam Sample Questions and Answers
Practice Exam Certified LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance (AP O+M) Practice Test

USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
LEED Process (12 Questions)
- LEED interpretations
- LEED system synergies (e.g., energy and EQ; waste management; building operation plan and ventilation calculations)
- Project boundary; LEED boundary; property boundary; master site boundary
- Prerequisites and/or minimum program requirements for LEED certification
- Occupancy requirements (e.g., existing building [building must be fully occupied for 12 continuous months as described in minimum program requirements]; reduced occupancy guidance; 10% exemptions)
- Recertification (e.g., initial vs. recertification; performance period; ongoing performance; data tracking)
- Review process (e.g., Establishment vs. Performance review; credit statuses; credit responses; review report)
- Integrative process (e.g., roles of responsibilities; facilitating collaboration)
- Adaptations (e.g., unique compliance paths and/or separate credits for different project types)
- Ways to earn innovation credits:
  • Innovation option (e.g., criteria for new innovative method; using credit that has been used before)
  • Exemplary performance option (e.g., which credits have exemplary performance paths; what are the thresholds of exemplary performance)
  • Pilot option
Location and Transportation (5 Questions)
- Alternative transportation
  • Access and quality (e.g., accessibility to multimodal transportation choices; quality transit; transportation patterns)
  • Survey methodology (e.g., timing; sample size; sampling vs. extrapolation; alternative transportation programs)
Sustainable Sites (9 Questions)
- Site design and development
  • Habitat conservation and restoration (e.g., on-site restoration or preservation; off-site habitat restoration; off-site habitat conservation; native or adaptive vegetation; disturbed or compacted soils)
  • Site improvement plan (e.g., vegetated outdoor space; maintenance activities; exterior strategies; watershed quality; soil quality)
  • Exterior lighting (e.g., exterior light trespass and uplight; fixture shielding; lighting zone; impact on wildlife and people)
  • Rainwater management (e.g., historical rainfall conditions; natural hydrology; low- impact development; maintenance needs)
  • Heat island reduction (e.g., heat island effect; green roofs; solar reflectance; roof and non-roof strategies)
- Site management practices (e.g., impacts of site management decisions; planning for future site management; site equipment and maintenance materials)
Water Efficiency (13 Questions)
- Outdoor water use reduction: irrigation demand (e.g., landscape water requirement; irrigation system efficiency; calculated water budget; native and adaptive species)
  • Indoor water use reduction
  • Fixture and fittings (e.g., water use reduction through fixtures such as toilets; urinals; faucets [kitchen, lavatory]; showerhead; determining performance through metering)
  • Appliance and process water (e.g., equipment types [dishwasher, washing machines, vehicle wash bays])
- Cooling tower water use: water conservation techniques (e.g., cycles of concentration; total dissolved solids; potable water treatment; non-potable water use)
- Water performance management
  • Water use measurement (e.g., water meter(s); submeters; types of water sources to measure; data management and analysis)
  • Types and quality of water (e.g., potable; nonpotable; alternative water sources)
Energy and Atmosphere (21 Questions)
- Building loads
  • Building components (e.g., building orientation; glazing selection; climate appropriate building materials; regional considerations)
  • Space usage (e.g., space types [private office, individual space, shared multi-occupant spaces]; equipment and systems; occupant-driven loads [plug loads])
- Energy efficiency
  • Operational energy efficiency (e.g., schedules; set points; interactions between systems; influencing occupant behavior)
  • Commissioning (e.g., commissioning authority (CxA); existing building commissioning; ongoing commissioning; identification of issues; differentiate from energy auditing)
  • Audit (e.g., ASHRAE Level 1 and 2; identification of opportunities and improvements; differentiate from commissioning)
- Alternative and renewable energy practices
  • Renewable energy (e.g., on-site and off-site renewable energy; photovoltaic; solar thermal; wind; lowimpact hydroelectricity; wave and tidal energy; non-qualifying sources)
  • Green power and carbon offsets (e.g., off-site generated; renewable energy certificates (RECs); Green-e Energy certified or the equivalent; benefits of RECs; measurement [carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e)]; Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions; Green-e Climate certified or the equivalent; benefits of carbon offsets)
- Demand response (e.g., grid efficiency and reliability; demand response programs; load shifting)
- Energy performance management:
  • Energy use measurement (e.g., building-level energy meter(s); submeters; types of energy sources to measure; data management and analysis)
  • Building automation controls/advanced energy metering (e.g., support energy management; data storage; support demand response participation)
  • Operations and management (e.g., training of staff; operations and maintenance plan; current facilities requirements; preventive maintenance plan)
  • Benchmarking (e.g., metrics used; determining baseline building performance; comparing building energy performance against similar buildings or historical data; tools and standards [ASHRAE, CBECS, Energy Star® Portfolio Manager])
- Environmental concerns: upstream and downstream impacts (e.g., sources and energy resources [oil, coal, and natural gas]; renewable and nonrenewable resources; chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other refrigerants; stratospheric ozone layer depletion)
Materials and Resources (10 Questions)
- Life-cycle impacts
  • Material attributes (e.g., recycled content; material reuse; extended use; sustainable agriculture; local sourcing of food and beverages; bio-based; paper and wood products; electric-powered equipment)
  • Human and ecological health impacts (e.g., mercury in lighting; maintenance and renovation purchasing policy)
- Waste
  • Maintenance and renovation (e.g., maintenance and renovation waste management policy)
  • Operations and ongoing (e.g., waste management policy; waste audit; storage and collection of recyclable materials [mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals]; safe storage areas for batteries and mercury-containing lamps; durable goods waste)
- Purchasing policies (e.g., environmental preferable purchasing (EPP) policy; ongoing consumables; durable goods; maintenance and renovations; lighting purchases)
Indoor Environmental Quality (15 Questions)
- Indoor environmental quality
  • Ventilation levels (e.g., natural vs. mechanical; outdoor air; regional climate conditions)
  • Tobacco smoke control (e.g., prohibiting smoking; environmental tobacco smoke transfer)
  • Management of and improvements to indoor air quality (e.g., source control; filtration and dilution; air testing; ongoing monitoring; management program/ I-BEAM)
  • Low-emitting materials (e.g., product categories [paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants, flooring, etc.]; volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and content; evaluating environmental claims; comparing to published standards)
  • Green cleaning (e.g., products, materials and equipment; frequency of cleaning; relationship between cleaning products and ongoing indoor air quality management; effectiveness assessment/APPA audits)
- Lighting: electric lighting quality (e.g., tradeoffs [color, efficiency]; surface reflectance; types of fixtures; project-specific considerations)
- Daylight (e.g., building massing and orientation; glare; illuminance)
- Occupant comfort, health, and satisfaction:
  • Controllability of systems (e.g., thermal; lighting; daylight)
  • Thermal comfort (e.g., permanent monitoring; periodic measurement; responding to thermal comfort issues; strategies to promote occupants’ productivity and comfort)
  • Quality views (e.g., connection to outdoor environment; direct line of sight to outdoors)
  • Integrated pest management (e.g., pest preventive and control measures; nonchemical approaches; communication to building occupants; responsible parties)
  • Assessment/survey (e.g., occupant satisfaction with acoustics, building cleanliness, indoor air quality, lighting, thermal comfort, and overall satisfaction; corrective action plan)

Both USGBC and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a USGBC AP O+M professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of USGBC LEED AP O+M concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance knowledge and recall that when needed.

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