USGBC AP ND Certification Exam Syllabus

AP ND dumps PDF, USGBC AP ND Braindumps, free LEED AP ND dumps, LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development dumps free downloadTo achieve the professional designation of USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development from the USGBC, candidates must clear the AP ND Exam with the minimum cut-off score. For those who wish to pass the USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development certification exam with good percentage, please take a look at the following reference document detailing what should be included in USGBC LEED AP ND Exam preparation.

The USGBC AP ND Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real Certified LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development (AP ND) exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development (AP ND) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development Practice Exam to achieve the best result.

USGBC AP ND Exam Summary:

Exam Name USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development
Exam Code AP ND
Exam Fee Combined exam: $550 ($400 for USGBC members)
Specialty only: $350 ($250 for USGBC members)
Exam Duration 120 Minutes
Number of Questions 100
Passing Score 170 out of 200
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Schedule Exam USGBC
Sample Questions USGBC LEED AP ND Exam Sample Questions and Answers
Practice Exam Certified LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development (AP ND) Practice Test

USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
LEED Process (13 Questions)
- LEED interpretations
- Components of a LEED scorecard
- Project boundary/context; LEED boundary; pre-project conditions; site vicinity; previously developed
- Prerequisites and/or minimum program requirements for LEED certification
- Knowing the evolutionary characteristics of LEED (e.g., development cycles of the rating systems; continuous improvement)
- Integrative process (e.g., roles and responsibilities; facilitating collaboration)
- Ways to earn Innovation credits:
  • Innovative methods (e.g., criteria for new innovative method; using credit that has been used before)
  • Exemplary performance (e.g., which credits have exemplary performance paths; what are the thresholds of exemplary performance)
  • Pilot credits
- Identifying development program; nonbuildable and buildable land; building/street frontage
Smart Location & Linkage (21 Questions)
- Preferable locations:
  • Existing context (e.g., infill sites; adjacent sites with connectivity; transit corridor; nearby neighborhood assets; existing/planned utilities)
  • Connectivity (e.g., street design and intersection density)
  • Designated high-priority locations (e.g., high-priority redevelopment areas)
  • Brownfield (e.g., contaminated soil or groundwater; remediation)
  • Existing transit service
  • Bicycle network (e.g., short- and long-term storage; bikeable location; bicycle network)
  • Housing and jobs (e.g., jobs-housing balance)
- Sensitive feature avoidance:
  • Imperiled species and ecological communities (e.g., habitat conservation plan)
  • Wetland and water bodies (e.g., classification of wetlands and water bodies; minor development impacts; buffer delineation)
  • Agricultural land (e.g., prime and unique farmland; affected soils)
  • Floodplain (e.g., flood hazard, National Flood Insurance Program [NFIP]; ASCE 24)
  • Steep slope (e.g., restoration and protection of steep slopes)
- Site design and development: habitat and water body design, restoration, and long- term conservation
Neighborhood Pattern & Design (23 Questions)
- Community resources:
  • Walkable streets (e.g., functional entry; building height-to-street width ratio; continuous sidewalks; street/ building frontages; property setbacks; on-street parking)
  • Connected and open community (e.g., surrounding connectivity; internal connectivity; throughconnections; gates)
  • Tree-lined and shaded streetscapes (e.g., tree-lined blocks; shaded sidewalks; street tree plantings)
  • Access to civic and public space, recreation facilities
  • Local food production (e.g., neighborhood gardens; community-supported agriculture; farmers market)
  • Transit facilities and transportation demand management
  • Neighborhood schools (e.g., continuous sidewalks; traffic controls/bicycle lanes)
- Compactness:
  • Compact development (e.g., residential density [DU/acre]; nonresidential density [FAR]; buildable land)
  • Reduced parking footprint (e.g., location and size of parking lots)
- Diversity:
  • Mixed-use neighborhoods (e.g., specific use types and categories)
  • Housing types and affordability (e.g., Simpson Diversity Index score, housing categories)
  • Visitability and universal design (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA]; universal design features)
  • Stakeholder engagement: Community outreach and involvement (e.g., pre-design meeting; charrette; ongoing means of communications)
Green Infrastructure & Buildings (21 Questions)
- Infrastructure:
  • Renewable energy production (e.g., solar; wind; geothermal; small-scale; micro- hydroelectric; biomass)
  • District heating and cooling
  • Infrastructure energy efficiency (e.g., traffic lights; street lights; water; wastewater pumps)
  • Recycled and reused infrastructure (e.g., roadways; parking lots; water retention tanks; water piping)
  • Solid waste management
- Buildings:
  • Certified green buildings (e.g., LEED; ISO-compliant)
  • Energy use (e.g., design; building loads; energy efficiency; ASHRAE 90.1-2010; Energy STAR®/HERs)
  • Indoor water use (e.g., fixture selection)
  • Materials reuse (e.g., building reuse; historic preservation; adaptive use)
- Site design and development:
  • Construction activity pollution prevention and minimized site disturbance
  • Outdoor water use (e.g., reduced potable water use for irrigation) and management of wastewater
  • Heat island reduction and solar orientation
  • Lighting pollution reduction
  • Rainwater management (e.g., EPA Technical Guidance Section 438; percentile rainfall event; low impact development; green infrastructure)
Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (7 Questions)
- Planning process and local framework (e.g., land use change amendments; public hearings; zoning; transportation)
- Government agencies (e.g., Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]; FEMA; HUD; USDA; local/state agency equivalents)

Both USGBC and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a USGBC AP ND professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of USGBC LEED AP ND concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Neighborhood Development knowledge and recall that when needed.

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