ISTQB CT-GaMe Certification Exam Syllabus

CT-GaMe dumps PDF, ISTQB CT-GaMe Braindumps, free CT - Game Testing dumps, Game Testing dumps free downloadTo achieve the professional designation of ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing from the ISTQB, candidates must clear the CT-GaMe Exam with the minimum cut-off score. For those who wish to pass the ISTQB Game Testing certification exam with good percentage, please take a look at the following reference document detailing what should be included in ISTQB CT - Game Testing Exam preparation.

The ISTQB CT-GaMe Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real ISTQB Certified Tester - GameTesting (CT-GaMe) exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing (CT-GaMe) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium ISTQB Game Testing Practice Exam to achieve the best result.

ISTQB CT-GaMe Exam Summary:

Exam Name ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing
Exam Code CT-GaMe
Exam Fee USD $199
Exam Duration 60 Minutes
Number of Questions 40
Passing Score 26/40
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Schedule Exam Pearson VUE
Sample Questions ISTQB CT - Game Testing Exam Sample Questions and Answers
Practice Exam ISTQB Certified Tester - GameTesting (CT-GaMe) Practice Test

ISTQB Game Testing Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details

Specificity of Game Testing - 75 minutes (K2)

Game Testing Basics - Recognize objectives and specifics of game testing
- Give examples of product risks in game software
- Give examples of specific defects related to game testing
- Summarize how the risks of game testing can be mitigated
- Compare the activities of game testing with those of playing
Typical Roles of the Game Development Team - Recognize specific roles and tasks in the game development team
Testing Activities throughout the Game Software Development Lifecycle - Recall testing activities throughout the game software development lifecycle

Testing Game Mechanics - 180 minutes (K3)

Game Mechanics - Classify the types of game mechanics
- Differentiate the testing of gameplay mechanics and non-gameplay mechanics
- Differentiate the testing of core mechanics and meta mechanics
- Differentiate the testing of client, server, and client-server mechanics
- Give examples of defects in game mechanics
Approaches to Testing Game Mechanics - Summarize main approaches and test objects at different stages of creating a game product
- Distinguish the importance of testing game mechanics
- Distinguish the importance of reviewing documentation describing game mechanics
- Apply the fundamental approaches of testing game mechanics

Graphics Testing - 165 minutes (K3)

Principles and Concepts of Game Graphics - Explain features of the graphic content of a game product
- Classify the types of defects in graphic content
Approaches to Testing Graphics in Game Products - Summarize the main approaches to artistic testing
- Summarize the main approaches to technical testing
- Summarize main approaches to gameplay testing
Graphics Test Execution - Apply the fundamental approaches of graphics testing
- Explain the importance of testing graphics for historical validity
Tools Support for Graphics Testing - Summarize the usage of graphics testing tools

Sound Testing - 190 minutes (K3)

Features of the Sound Content of the Game Product - Recall features of the sound content of a game product
Types of Defects in Sound Content - Recall types of defects in sound content
- Classify the defects in sound content
Approaches to Testing Sound Content in Game Products - Summarize the main approaches to content-auditory testing
- Summarize the main approaches for testing the mix of music and sounds
- Summarize the main approaches for testing music composition
Sound Test Execution - Explain the levels of testing audio-music content
- Recall the features of integrating sounds into the client
- Recall areas of responsibility of sound testing
- Apply approaches to sound testing
Tools Support for Sound Testing - Summarize the usage of sound testing tools

Game Level Testing - 65 minutes (K2)

Game Level Design Principles and Concepts - Recall the components of the game level
- Classify the defects typical of game levels
Stages and Execution of Game Level Testing - Summarize the tests carried out at various stages of the creation of game levels
- Compare the areas of responsibility of specialists who take part in testing the game level
Tools Support for Game Level Testing - Summarize the usage of tools for testing game levels

Game Controllers Testing - 95 minutes (K2)

Principles and Concepts of Game Controllers - Classify typical input devices and specialized ones
- Give examples of different input devices in terms of their application
- Recall different types of game controllers
- Classify the defects in a game product related to the specifics of game controllers, and possible causes of their occurrence
Approaches to Testing Controllers in Game Products - Give examples for test conditions to be covered when testing game controllers
- Classify tasks for UX specialists, testers, and game designers during game testing
Tools Support for Game Controllers Testing - Summarize the usage of tools for testing the behavior of game controllers

Localization Testing - 155 minutes (K3)

Principles and Concepts of Localization Testing - Recognize the localization test steps
- Recall the main objectives of internationalization and localization
- Compare internationalization and localization capabilities
Types of Localization Defects and their Causes - Classify the localization defects and their causes
Localization Testing Approaches and Execution - Recognize the full and partial localization testing
- Classify localization testing types
- Summarize testing tasks for a writer, editor, translator, and localization tester
Tools Support for Localization Testing - Summarize the usage of tools for testing of game localization

Both ISTQB and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a ISTQB CT-GaMe professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of ISTQB CT - Game Testing concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain ISTQB Game Testing knowledge and recall that when needed.

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