ServiceNow SMC-UIB Certification Exam Sample Questions

SMC-UIB Dumps PDF, UI Builder Dumps, download SMC-UI Builder free Dumps, ServiceNow UI Builder exam questions, free online SMC-UI Builder exam questionsYou have to pass the SMC-UIB exam to receive the certification from ServiceNow. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ServiceNow UI Builder sample questions. Our Sample ServiceNow Micro-Certification - UI Builder Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ServiceNow SMC-UI Builder exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ServiceNow Micro-Certification UI Builder (SMC-UIB) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ServiceNow SMC-UIB Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ServiceNow Micro-Certification - UI Builder exam questions.

ServiceNow UI Builder Sample Questions:

01. What are some of the benefits of using client state parameters?
(Select two)
a) Improved server-side performance
b) Better state management between components
c) Enhanced security for user sessions
d) Simplified data sharing across the page
02. How do you pass a value from one component to another using client state parameters?
a) Use the Event Manager
b) Define a shared client state parameter
c) Configure a server-side script
d) Embed it in the page metadata
03. What action should be taken if a data resource fails to load in UI Builder?
a) Rebuild the page from scratch
b) Disable all event handlers
c) Check the data resource configuration for errors
d) Refresh the page
04. How do you ensure that a web component’s styles do not conflict with other components?
a) Use Shadow DOM
b) Apply inline styles
c) Use global styles
d) Minimize external stylesheets
05. Which technology is primarily used to build custom web components in UI Builder?
a) Angular
b) Web Components standard (HTML, CSS, JS)
c) React
d) Vue.js
06. When configuring an audience in UI Builder, which options are available?
(Select two)
a) Based on user roles
b) IP address restrictions
c) Device type conditions
d) Database triggers
07. What is the default method for passing data between components in a UI Builder page?
a) API integrations
b) Custom scripts
c) Client state parameters
d) Global variables
08. When setting up page properties in UI Builder, which elements can be customized?
(Select two)
a) Page layout structure
b) Component-specific styles
c) Default language setting
d) Data resource caching policy
09. Which of the following are configurable settings for a page in UI Builder?
(Select two)
a) Page title and description
b) Client-side caching duration
c) Event handler priority
d) Page audience rules
10. How can you configure a page to have multiple views for different user roles?
a) Use page variants
b) Create multiple data resources
c) Apply conditional event handlers
d) Create separate layouts


Question: 01
Answer: b, d
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: a, c
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: a, b
Question: 09
Answer: a, d
Question: 10
Answer: a

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