You have to pass the SMC-PI exam to receive the certification from ServiceNow. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence sample questions. Our Sample ServiceNow Micro-Certification Predictive Intelligence Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ServiceNow SMC-Predictive Intelligence exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ServiceNow Micro-Certification Predictive Intelligence (SMC-PI) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ServiceNow SMC-PI Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ServiceNow Micro-Certification Predictive Intelligence exam questions.
ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence Sample Questions:
01. What is the purpose of the scheduler?
a) Trains the PI models
b) Makes predictions
c) Requests training for models
d) Request data from the instance
02. Which component is responsible for training machine learning models in ServiceNow's Predictive Intelligence?
a) Model Builder
b) Predictive Engine
c) Data Pipeline
d) Training Dashboard
03. How are solutions moved from Dev to Prod?
a) Solutions are manually exported
b) Solutions are captured in update sets
c) Solutions are created in production
d) Solutions are automatically deployed without version control
04. What are the frameworks of Predictive Intelligence?
Select two correct answers.
a) NLP
b) NLU
c) Classification
d) Word Corpus
e) Similarity
05. Why is data normalization important during model training?
a) It increases system performance
b) It ensures data consistency and improves model accuracy
c) It reduces the size of the training dataset
d) It eliminates the need for data validation
06. What products are lines using Predictive Intelligence?
Select three correct answers.
b) HR
d) CSM
e) Legal
07. How often should predictive models be retrained?
a) Once every year
b) Whenever new data patterns emerge
c) Only during system upgrades
d) After every prediction request
08. Which ServiceNow tool is used to manage and deploy predictive models?
a) Model Builder
b) Workflow Editor
c) Data Integration Hub
d) Prediction Manager
09. How does the Regression Framework differ from the Classification Framework?
a) Regression focuses on text similarity, while Classification predicts numeric data
b) Regression requires external APIs, while Classification does not
c) Regression uses categorical data, while Classification uses numeric data
d) Regression predicts continuous values, while Classification assigns labels
10. Which framework is used for categorizing and routing tasks in Predictive Intelligence?
a) Classification Framework
b) Regression Framework
c) Similarity Framework
d) Forecasting Framework
Question: 01
Answer: c |
Question: 02
Answer: a |
Question: 03
Answer: b |
Question: 04
Answer: c, e |
Question: 05
Answer: b |
Question: 06
Answer: a, b, d |
Question: 07
Answer: b |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: d |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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