You have to pass the CIS-TPRM exam to receive the certification from ServiceNow. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ServiceNow Third-party Risk Management Implementation Specialist sample questions. Our Sample ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Third-party Risk Management Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ServiceNow CIS - Third Party Risk Management exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Third-party Risk Management (CIS-TPRM) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ServiceNow CIS-TPRM Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Third-party Risk Management exam questions.
ServiceNow Third-party Risk Management Implementation Specialist Sample Questions:
01. What is a common table used for Third-party Risk Management reporting?
a) Control [sn_control]
b) Task [task]
c) Third-party Risk Assessment [sn_vdr_risk_asmt_assessment]
d) Third party [core_third_party]
02. Risks registered within an organization are captured as which type of record in ServiceNow?
a) Control Template
b) Attestation
c) Control Definition
d) Risk Statement
03. In Third-party Risk Assessment Calculations, which of the following factors are typically considered?
(Choose two)
a) The geographical location of the third party.
b) The color of the third party's logo.
c) The third party's adherence to relevant industry standards.
d) The financial stability of the third party.
04. What ServiceNow feature helps companies manage third parties without emails and spreadsheets?
a) The Third-party Platform
b) The Third-party Portal
c) The Customer Service Portal
d) The Third-party Registry
05. Effective Third-party Tiering Configuration helps in:
(Choose two)
a) Decreasing overall operational costs
b) Allocating resources more efficiently for risk assessment and monitoring
c) Reducing the time required for onboarding new third parties
d) Prioritizing audit schedules based on the tier
06. Which fields are included on the Third-party Contact form?
(Select two)
a) Rank tier
b) Primary Contact
c) Risk rating
d) Email
07. What actions can occur in the Third-party Portal?
a) Respond to a Third-party Risk Assessment
b) Manage Third-party Contacts
c) View Project Gannt Charts
d) Submit an incident
08. Third-party Risk Issues are considered inactive when they enter this state:
a) Submitted to Third Party
b) Review
c) Finalize with Third Party
d) Closed
09. Effective management of the Third-party Risk Assessment Lifecycle requires:
(Choose two)
a) Dependence on third-party self-assessment without verification.
b) Isolation of the risk assessment team from other business units to prevent bias.
c) Engagement with third parties for feedback on the assessment process.
d) Regular updates to risk assessment criteria based on changing risk landscapes.
10. A well-designed __________ helps in achieving a consistent and effective approach to managing third-party risks across the organization.
a) Third-party Risk Process Workflow
b) Approval and Workflow Process
c) Issue Resolution Protocol
d) Task Allocation System
Question: 01
Answer: c |
Question: 02
Answer: d |
Question: 03
Answer: a, d |
Question: 04
Answer: b |
Question: 05
Answer: b, d |
Question: 06
Answer: b, d |
Question: 07
Answer: a, b |
Question: 08
Answer: d |
Question: 09
Answer: c, d |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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