ServiceNow CAD Certification Exam Sample Questions

CAD Dumps PDF, Application Developer Dumps, download Application Developer free Dumps, ServiceNow Application Developer exam questions, free online Application Developer exam questionsYou have to pass the CAD exam to receive the certification from ServiceNow. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ServiceNow Application Developer sample questions. Our Sample ServiceNow Certified Application Developer Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ServiceNow Application Developer exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ServiceNow Certified Application Developer (CAD) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ServiceNow CAD Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ServiceNow Certified Application Developer exam questions.

ServiceNow Application Developer Sample Questions:

01. In what order are ServiceNow Access Controls evaluated?
a) field, table
b) table, field
c) record, field
d) table, record
02. Which server-side object provides methods for working with dates when writing a script in a privately scoped application?
a) GlideDateTime
b) GlideRecord
c) GlideSystem
d) current
03. How can an application link to a repository behind a firewall?
a) Link an application to source control with multi-factor authentication.
b) Link an application to source control through an access token.
c) Link an application to source control through a MID Server.
d) This option is not supported.
04. When writing a Client Script to provide feedback targeted at a specific field, which method should be used?
a) g_form.showInfoMessage()
b) g_form.showFieldMsg()
c) g_form.addInfoMessage()
d) g_form.addFieldMsg()
05. Which of the following scripts do not always run on the server side?
a) Script Includes
b) Business Rule
c) UI Action
d) Script Action
06. What is the name of the intuitive development interface for building applications?
a) Guided Application Creator
b) ServiceNow Creator
c) App Engine Studio
d) ServiceNow Studio
07. An application has a table named MyTable with the following three fields: field1, field2, field3. Table.none is set for READ for the Admin and Itil roles. Table.field3 is set for the READ by the Admin role only.
What with the Itil role be able to read?
(select one)
a) field2, field3
b) field1, field3
c) field1, field2, field3
d) field1, field2
08. What is the name of the guided application creator plugin?
a) com.glide.guided-app-creator
09. In Form Designer, when you edit the label of a field on a child table, the label is updated on?
a) Base table
b) Parent table
c) Child table
d) All tables
10. How does ServiceNow match inbound email to existing records?
a) sys_id
b) Watermark
c) Record link
d) Subject Line


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: d
Question: 08
Answer: b
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: b

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