Understand how to apply the PRINCE2 principles in context |
- Analyse the application of PRINCE2 principles in context:
Ensure continued business justification
Learn from experience
Define roles, responsibilities and relationships
Manage by stages
Manage by exception
Focus on products
Tailor to suit the project
10% |
Understand how to apply effective people management in successful projects
- Assess whether an approach to leadership and management of teams is appropriate
- Assess whether an approach to leadership and management of change within a project, and people affected by a project, is appropriate
- Apply the approach to the following:
people central to the method
- Apply the key management products required to support the people element of projects:
communication management approach
change management approach
9% |
Understand how to apply and tailor relevant aspects of PRINCE2 practices in context
- Business case
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘business case’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘business case’ practice
- business case
- PID: benefits management approach
- PID: sustainability management approach
- project brief
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘business case’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘business case’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Organizing
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘organizing’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘organizing’ practice
- PID: project management team structure
- PID: role descriptions
PID: commercial management approach
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘organizing’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘organizing’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Plans
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘plans’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘plans’ practice
- plan (project, stage, team & exception plans)
- project product description
- work package description
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘plans’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘plans’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Quality
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘quality’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘quality’ practice
- product description
- project log: product register
- PID: quality management approach
- project log: quality register
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘quality’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘quality’practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Risk
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘risk’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘risk’ practice
- PID: risk management approach
- project log: risk register
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘risk’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
3.5.2 Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘risk’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Issues
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘issues’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘issues’ practice
- PID: issue management approach
- issue register
- issue report
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘issues’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘issues’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
- Progress
Apply the PRINCE2 ‘progress’ practice, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) the key management products required to support the ‘progress’ practice
- project log: daily log
- project log: lessons log
- lessons report
- end stage report
- end project report
- checkpoint report
- highlight report
- exception report
- PID: digital and data management approach
b) The areas of focus for key roles associated with the ‘progress’ practice
c) Effective management and associated techniques
Analyse whether an approach to applying the ‘progress’ practice is effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: the PRINCE2 principles, and the effective management and associated techniques of the practice, and tailoring to the project’s environment/context
51% |
Understand how to apply (and tailor) relevant aspects of PRINCE2 processes in context
- Starting up a project
Carry out the ‘starting up a project’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘starting up a project’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Directing a project
Carry out the ‘directing a project’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a)The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘directing a project’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Initiating a project
Carry out the ‘initiating a project’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘initiating a project’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Controlling a stage
Carry out the ‘controlling a stage’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘controlling a stage’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Managing product delivery
Carry out the ‘managing product delivery’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘managing product delivery’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Managing a stage boundary
Carry out the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process
- Closing a project
Carry out the ‘closing a project’ process, demonstrating an understanding of:
a) The activities, inputs and outputs
b) The recommended roles and responsibilities within the process (RACI table)
c) How the practices are applied
Analyse whether the ‘closing a project’ process activities, roles and responsibilities are effective and fit for purpose, taking into consideration: tailoring to the project’s environment/context, the PRINCE2 practices, and the purpose and objectives of the process