You have to pass the CPSA exam to receive the certification from Pega. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this Pega System Architect sample questions. Our Sample Certified Pega System Architect Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the PEGACPSA24V1 exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium Certified Pega System Architect (CPSA) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual Pega CPSA Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of Certified Pega System Architect exam questions.
Pega System Architect Sample Questions:
01. Which of the following is NOT a specific advantage of Pega Cosmos?
a) Pega Cosmos can be used in multiple business contexts.
b) Pega Cosmos is designed for better context switching for users.
c) Pega Cosmos focuses primarily on B2C use cases.
d) Pega Cosmos embraces modular design.
02. You are designing a form that uses a repeating grid to display office furniture items. Which two data sources can you use as a source for a repeating grid?
(Choose two.)
a) Local data storage
b) A page group property that holds the data
c) A page list property that holds the data
d) A single value property that contains the data in a local list
03. As part of an authorization process, you need to check whether members of a health care organization are eligible for coverage based on the policy contract terms. Your application uses an activity to perform this evaluation.
Which shape would you use to add the activity to the process?
a) Utility
b) Assignment
c) Connector
d) Subprocess
04. In Cosmos, which of the following contains the most critical information about a case?
a) Global navigation
b) Summary panel
c) Collaboration area
d) Utilities
05. Which of the following two statements are true about the Localization wizard?
(Choose Two)
a) The Localization wizard verifies if the localization flag is enabled on user interface rules.
b) Correspondence and paragraph rules are exported as HTML files to be translated.
c) You can use the Localization wizard to change the locale, the base currency, and the time zone.
d) You can use the Localization wizard to export the strings to be translated which contain certain rules such as field value or message rules.
06. Which rule is used to store the labels, messages, and other text strings that require translation?
a) Field value
b) Text file
c) Localized label
d) pyCaption
07. Which three configurations does the Data Object wizard support?
(Choose Three)
a) Map the response data to the data view for the data type.
b) Configure parameters for elements of the call to the data source.
c) Define a condition to determine when to access the data source.
d) Assign multiple data sources to a data object.
e) Define multiple endpoints for a data source.
08. Development in Pega Platform™ follows agile methodologies. Which two statements are agile development best practices?
(Choose Two)
a) Frequently perform application developments that are small in scope.
b) Continuously test your application to identify issues early.
c) Test the application only when major changes are implemented.
d) Develop all requirements and release the changes all at once to save on outages.
09. In which situation is the use of an activity necessary?
a) Calculating the age from the date of birth
b) Concatenating two strings values
c) Writing a message to a log file
d) Setting default values when creating a case
10. You have designed a decision tree that you want to test. You want to verify that the system can evaluate every row regardless of the input values.
How do you test your decision tree logic?
a) Check the decision tree for conflicts.
b) Checking for conflicts verifies that the system can evaluate every row by identifying one or more branches that cannot be reached. If a branch is unreachable, the test values are not evaluated.
c) Add the decision tree to a decision shape and create cases that use various test values.
d) Run the case and use the Tracer tool.
e) Check the decision tree for completeness.
Question: 01
Answer: c |
Question: 02
Answer: b, c |
Question: 03
Answer: b |
Question: 04
Answer: b |
Question: 05
Answer: b, d |
Question: 06
Answer: a |
Question: 07
Answer: a, b, e |
Question: 08
Answer: a, b |
Question: 09
Answer: c |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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