You have to pass the CPDS exam to receive the certification from Pega. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this Pega Data Scientist sample questions. Our Sample Certified Pega Data Scientist Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the Pega PEGACPDS24V1 exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium Certified Pega Data Scientist (CPDS) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual Pega CPDS Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of Certified Pega Data Scientist exam questions.
Pega Data Scientist Sample Questions:
01. What is the difference between classification and regression in Predictive Analytics?
a) Classification is used for predicting continuous outcomes, while regression is used for predicting categorical outcomes
b) Classification is used for predicting categorical outcomes, while regression is used for predicting continuous outcomes
c) Classification and regression are the same thing
d) Neither classification nor regression are used in Predictive Analytics
02. In a decision strategy, which component is required to enable access to proposition properties?
a) Proposition Data
b) Data Include
c) Data Join
d) Property Import
03. Which of the following is NOT a use case for NLP in Pega?
a) Sentiment analysis
b) Text classification
c) Speech recognition
d) Entity extraction
04. You are a company with a new and unique product, and you want to offer it to the right customer. Given the scenario, which rule type should you use?
a) Scorecard
b) Adaptive Model
c) Predictive Model
d) Decision Table
05. What are two results of an Adaptive Model?
(Choose Two)
a) Priority
b) Propensity
c) Segment
d) Performance
06. How can Adaptive Analytics models be deployed in production environments?
a) Manually copying and pasting the code into a production system
b) Ignoring production deployment and only using models for offline analysis
c) Only deploying models in a sandbox environment
d) Using a software development process to test and deploy models
07. A coffee company wants to create a data set that includes mock up customer address information and the likelihood to churn. Which method is available to populate these fields?
a) Bayesian
b) Propensity
c) Expression
d) Import
08. When during a customer interaction should a Next-Best-Action decision be made?
a) Every time new information is received
b) When the customer intent is captured
c) First time the customer is shown a banner
d) At the beginning of customer call
09. What happens when you increase the performance threshold setting of an Adaptive Model rule?
a) The number of active predictors increases.
b) The correlation threshold decreases.
c) The performance of the model is increased.
d) The number of active predictors may decrease.
10. Which of the following is a technique used in NLP for text classification?
a) SVM (Support Vector Machines)
b) K-Means
c) Random Forest
d) Naive Bayes
Question: 01
Answer: b |
Question: 02
Answer: a |
Question: 03
Answer: c |
Question: 04
Answer: d |
Question: 05
Answer: c, d |
Question: 06
Answer: d |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: b |
Question: 10
Answer: d |
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