Open Group OGIT-101 Certification Exam Syllabus

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The Open Group OGIT-101 Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real The Open Group Certified IT4IT 3 Foundation exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take The Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation (OGIT-101) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation Practice Exam to achieve the best result.

Open Group OGIT-101 Exam Summary:

Exam Name The Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation
Exam Code OGIT-101
Exam Fee USD $395
Exam Duration 60 Minutes
Number of Questions 40
Passing Score 65%
Format Multiple Choice Questions
Books / Trainings IT4IT Study Materials
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Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
IT4IT Introduction
- Describe the Value Stream concept.
- Explain what the IT4IT Reference Architecture is.
- Describe the Functional Component concept.
- Describe the Data Object concept.
- List the seven IT4IT Value Streams.
- List the six (6) Supporting Functions.
- Describe the System of Record concept.
- Describe the Value Stream Stage concept.
- Describe the Functional Group concept.
- Describe the Scenario concept.
Digital Product - Describe what a Digital Product is.
- List the criteria for a Digital Product.
- Describe what a Service Offer is.
- List the interaction process concerns of a Contract.
- List the data objects that describe a price which may require direct payment by a consumer.
- Explain the Digital Product Interaction diagram.
- Explain recursion and complexity in Digital Product structure.
- Explain the business benefit of basing technology investment on products rather than projects.
- Explain strategic Digital Product Portfolio Management.
- Explain the Digital Product lifecycle.
- Explain data governance concerns for Digital Product Management.
- Explain instantiation of a Digital Product (Offer, Contract, Instance).
- Explain the Digital Product Backbone concept.
- Explain the Service Offer Backbone concept.
- Describe what a Digital Product System is.
- Explain the three management perspectives for Digital Products.
Digital Product Backbone Functional Components and Data Objects

- Explain the purpose of the Product Portfolio functional component.
- Explain the Digital Product data object.
- Explain the following Product Portfolio functional criteria:

  • Must include all Digital Products managed by the organization.
  • Shall review input from organizational strategy, consumers, and market sources to propose portfolio changes that decide whether to keep, retire, increase, or decrease investment.
  • Shall support strategic funding and defunding activities at a portfolio level, and infer decisions on all contained Digital Products.
  • Shall compare Digital Products with similar ones to identify rationalization opportunities.
  • Must provide, via specific Product Designs and Product Releases, Service Offers describing the contract, rules, warranty, and other consumer-based attributes used to establish a contract.
  • Should aggregate all metrics from dedicated resources, dependencies, and consumption to include total costs, performance, consumption, capacity, resources, risks, benefits, quality, fitness-for-purpose, etc.

- Explain the purpose of the Product Design functional component.
- Explain the Product Design data object.
- Explain the following Product Design functional criteria:

  • Shall be the system of record (authoritative source) for all Product Designs.
  • Shall maintain the design of the integrations (and related data flows) of the Digital Product with other Digital Products (to understand dependencies and integrations with other products).
  • Shall maintain the design of operational and support features of a product, including the support model, monitoring, and design for self-service (designing service interactions through the Service Offer Catalog).
  • Shall document instrumentation so that empirical data can be captured to measure how the digital services are performing, rather than relying only on anecdotal input from the user community.
  • Shall document how the Digital Product complies with the non-functional requirements, including security, privacy, legal, etc. (Secure, Privacy and Compliance by Design).

- Explain the purpose of the Release Composition functional component.
- Explain the Product Release data object.
- Explain the following Release Composition functional criteria:

  • Shall manage the Product Release and Product Release Blueprints for delivering new or changed services to the Fulfillment functional component to facilitate a smooth transition to digital operations.
  • Shall create the Product Release and the associated Product Release Blueprint used by the Fulfillment functional component to create an instance (or deployment) of the Digital Product that, for example, will be utilized by the Test functional component.
  • Shall include the templates for the associated Service Offers (as part of the Product Release Blueprint).
  • Shall include the templates and definitions for the configuration of Service Monitors executed by the Monitoring functional component (monitoring as code).

- Explain the purpose of the Fulfillment Orchestration functional component.
- Explain the Desired Product Instance data object.
- Explain the following Fulfillment Orchestration functional criteria:

  • Shall create a Desired Product Instance based on a template in the Product Release package if the Order is a request for a new product system.
  • Should modify the associated Desired Product Instance for all consumer Subscriptions to the service in order to track service delivery.
  • Shall create the Actual Product Instance as a copy of the Desired Product Instance within the Configuration functional component.
  • Can trigger fulfillment automation systems to enable fulfillment of (parts of) the service.
  • Shall orchestrate the implementation of the various Change Orders across the fulfillment systems, or track and manage manual change task implementation to fulfill the Orders.

- Explain the purpose of the Configuration functional component.
- Explain the Actual Product Instance data object.
- Explain the following Configuration functional criteria:

  • Shall manage the lifecycle of the Actual Product Instance.
  • Shall create Actual Product Instance(s) and underlying system(s) based on the Desired Product Instance in the Fulfillment Orchestration functional component.
  • Shall serve as the data store for the realization of the service in the production environment.
  • Shall calculate and provide the business impact of the Incident to help in the prioritization process.
  • Shall calculate and provide the business impact of the Event to help in the prioritization process
Service Offer Backbone Functional Components and Data Objects
- Explain the purpose of the Offer functional component.
- Explain the Service Offer data object.
- Explain the following Offer functional criteria:
  • Shall aggregate and provide a unified service catalog through the Consumption Experience functional component.
  • Shall enable the grouping of different Service Offers into a single consumption experience.
  • Shall drive consumption through Service Offer Catalogs and help identify prices and options for selection.
  • Shall contain all Offers available to consumers and provide this information to the Consumption Experience functional component.
  • Shall define whether the Service Offer be fulfilled as a Request Order or Change Order.
- Explain the purpose of the Chargeback functional component.
- Explain the Chargeback Contract data object.
- Explain the following Chargeback functional criteria:
  • Shall calculate the chargeback (or showback) of consuming/subscribing a service to a subscriber/consumer
  • Shall consolidate the charges from all subscribed services once Usage is collected for the given billing period
  • Shall send the subscribed service charges to the Product Portfolio functional component for an Actual Product Instance if a Product Portfolio functional component exists
  • Should send a Chargeback Record for approval and an internal reconciliation request to the finance function if a Finance function (external to IT) exists
  • Shall provide cost consumption information at the service level to consumers through the Consumption Experience engagement portal
  • Can take actual Usage into consideration when calculating the charge of consuming a service
- Explain the purpose of the Order functional component.
- Explain the Subscription data object
- Explain the following Order functional criteria:
  • Shall confirm that consumer access to the catalog items data is in line with defined entitlements and attached to user identities
  • Shall break the service order down into the appropriate fulfillment change request(s) and provide these to the Fulfillment Orchestration functional component via the Change functional component and create the Subscriptions for these services upon their successful fulfillment
  • Should send the instances of the Service Contracts to the Service Level functional component if a Service Level functional component exists
  • Shall provide Subscription information for the creation of the associated Chargeback Contract
  • Shall provide information to the consumer on the fulfillment status
- Explain the purpose of the Service Level functional component.
- Explain the Service Contract data object.
- Explain the following Service Level functional criteria:
  • Shall create a Service Contract (instance) and start measuring it once a Subscription is instantiated if the Order functional component exists
  • May instantiate a Service Contract from a Service Contract (template) originating from the Offer functional component
  • Shall manage the Service Contract lifecycle (create, store, and maintain)
  • Shall create reports on the Service Contracts to show the quality of service per the Service-Level Objectives (SLO)
  • Shall manage the lifecycle (create, store, and maintain) of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Evaluate Value Stream
- Describe the Evaluate value stream.
- Identify the Evaluate value stream stages.
- Explain the two following Evaluate scenarios: Plan Product Portfolio Investments and Rationalize the Product Portfolio.
- Explain how the Evaluate value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Evaluate value stream (Digital Product).
Explore Value Stream
- Describe the Explore value stream.
- Identify the Explore value stream stages.
- Explain the Explore scenario: Investigate a New Digital Product Idea and Optimize a Digital Product.
- Explain how the Explore value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Explore value stream (Digital Product, Product Design).
Integrate Value Stream
- Describe the Integrate value stream.
- Identify the Integrate value stream stages.
- Explain the Integrate scenario: Develop a New or Initial Product Release.
- Explain how the Integrate value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Integrate value stream (Product Design, Product Release, Desired Product Instance, Subscription).
Deploy Value Stream
- Describe the Deploy value stream.
- Identify the Deploy value stream stages.
- Explain the following Deploy scenario: Deploy a First Product Release for a New Digital Product.
- Explain how the Deploy value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Deploy value stream (Product Release, Desired Product Instance, Actual Product Instance, Service Contract).
Release Value Stream
- Describe the Release value stream.
- Identify the Release value stream stages.
- Explain the following Release scenarios: Release a New Service Offer and Bundle Existing Service Offers.
- Explain how the Release value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Release value stream (Product Release, Service Offer).
Consume Value Stream
- Describe the Consume value stream.
- Identify the Consume value stream stages.
- Explain the following Consume scenario: Order a New Desired Product Instance.
- Explain how the Consume value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
  • Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Consume value stream (Service Offer, Subscription, Desired Product Instance, Actual Product Instance, Service Contract, Chargeback Contract).
Operate Value Stream
- Describe the Operate value stream.
- Identify the Operate value stream stages.
- Explain the following Operate scenarios: Remediate an Identified Back-End Issue and Remediate Consumer Front-End Issue.
- Explain how the Operate value stream produces value to the stakeholders where this is explicitly stated.
- Identify the Backbone data objects which support or are affected by the Operate value stream (Actual Product Instance).
Certification Program
- Explain the IT4IT Certification Program, and distinguish between the levels of certification

Both Open Group and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a Open Group OGIT-101 professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain Open Group IT4IT 3 Foundation knowledge and recall that when needed.

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