Open Group OGAA-001 Certification Exam Sample Questions

OGAA-001 Dumps PDF, Open Agile Architecture Dumps, download O-AA free Dumps, Open Group Open Agile Architecture exam questions, free online O-AA exam questionsYou have to pass the OGAA-001 exam to receive the certification from Open Group. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this Open Group Open Agile Architecture sample questions. Our Sample The Open Group Open Agile Architecture Practitioner Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the Open Group O-AA exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium The Open Group Certified Open Agile Architecture Practitioner Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual Open Group OGAA-001 Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of The Open Group Open Agile Architecture Practitioner exam questions.

Open Group Open Agile Architecture Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following is a key consideration for maintaining Security as a Non-Functional Requirement?
a) Adding security features post-deployment
b) Incorporating security measures throughout the development lifecycle
c) Limiting security testing to a single phase
d) Delegating security entirely to the operations team
02. How does governance of Agile Security Architecture differ from traditional security governance?
a) It relies on predefined policies and static controls.
b) It separates security governance from development processes.
c) It limits team involvement in security decisions.
d) It emphasizes adaptive, iterative, and collaborative approaches to security.
03. Why is the Car Sharing Platform a relevant case study for Intentional Architecture?
a) It demonstrates the failure of Agile architecture principles.
b) It highlights the importance of cross-functional team collaboration and adaptability.
c) It focuses exclusively on product development without architectural input.
d) It emphasizes the drawbacks of Continuous Product Development.
04. In the context of Agile, what is the primary goal of Intentional Architecture?
a) To create a rigid structure that limits flexibility
b) To delay architectural decisions until after product development
c) To eliminate architectural planning to increase innovation
d) To guide development with a deliberate yet adaptable framework
05. Why is achieving O-AA Certification beneficial for an individual practitioner?
a) It demonstrates expertise in designing and implementing Agile-friendly architectures.
b) It guarantees employment in Agile organizations.
c) It eliminates the need for continuous learning in the architecture domain.
d) It focuses only on theoretical knowledge without practical application.
06. In the context of the O-AA Standard, how is a “Product” typically defined?
a) A tangible deliverable with fixed specifications
b) A set of unrelated features bundled together
c) An evolving entity designed to deliver continuous value
d) A project managed with strict timelines
07. What does Axiom 8: Loosely-Coupled Systems promote in an Agile architecture?
a) A rigidly interconnected architecture
b) Modular components that can operate independently
c) Dependence on a centralized database for all operations
d) Complete elimination of dependencies between systems
08. How are Business Agility and Organizational Agility related?
a) They are independent and do not influence each other.
b) Business Agility depends entirely on Organizational Agility.
c) They are interconnected, with Organizational Agility enabling Business Agility.
d) Organizational Agility is a subset of Business Agility.
09. What is a primary benefit of combining Product Discovery with Customer Research?
a) It reduces the time spent on understanding customer needs
b) It aligns product development with validated customer insights
c) It eliminates the need for iterative testing
d) It prioritizes product features over user outcomes
10. Which type of team focuses on delivering a continuous flow of value directly to customers?
a) Competency Teams
b) Platform Teams
c) Stream-Aligned Teams
d) Support Teams


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: c

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