OMG-OCUP2-FOUND100 Certification Exam Sample Questions

OMG-OCUP2-FOUND100 Dumps PDF, OCUP 2 Foundation Dumps, download UML 2 Foundation free Dumps, OMG OCUP 2 Foundation exam questions, free online UML 2 Foundation exam questionsYou have to pass the OMG-OCUP2-FOUND100 exam to receive the certification from OMG. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this OMG OCUP 2 Foundation sample questions. Our Sample OMG Certified UML Professional 2 - Foundation Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the OMG UML 2 Foundation exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium OMG Certified UML Professional 2 (OCUP 2) - Foundation Level Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual OMG-OCUP2-FOUND100 Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of OMG Certified UML Professional 2 - Foundation exam questions.

OMG OCUP 2 Foundation Sample Questions:

01. What is the best reason that projects take on the extra work of making models?
a) Modeling makes it appear that you are making progress.
b) Management requires modeling.
c) Modeling reduces the risk of system development.
d) Modeling can help in code generation.
02. If a project is using a structured decomposition approach to development, how should UML be used?
a) Don’t use UML. It is only for object-oriented approaches.
b) Use the structured decomposition approach during analysis using DF/CF diagrams and switch to an object-oriented approach during design and implementation using UML.
c) Use fUML for the functional parts and UML for the object-oriented parts.
d) There is no problem in using UML for everything.
03. For what type of systems is UML primarily intended?
a) Software-intensive systems
b) Systems Engineering systems
c) Business systems
d) Interactive systems
e) Mechanical/Analog systems
f) Collaborating Smart Phone Apps
04. Which of the following statements is true about UML State Machines?
a) Every State must have possible transitions in and possible transitions out.
b) Every State Machine diagram must have a final state.
c) The star-shaped state indicates concurrency.
d) Every transition is from one state to another different state.
e) A completion transition is triggered by the completion of the activity within its state.
05. A large X is used to accomplish what purpose in a Sequence Diagram?
a) X is the graphical end of the lifeline.
b) X indicates the destruction of the lifeline.
c) X marks the spot.
d) X marks where to dig.
e) X marks the start of a balking message.
f) X marks the start of a timed message.
06. The heading on a diagram is stored in what shape?
a) A regular pentagon
b) An irregular rectangle
c) An irregular pentagon
d) A tab
07. Besides OMG, which organization publishes the UML specifications?
a) W3C
c) ISO
08. How does the UML specification indicate the abstract syntax?
a) UML uses Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).
b) UML uses an LL(0) grammar.
c) UML uses both UML structure and UML behavior diagrams.
d) UML uses natural language English.
e) UML uses a MOF metamodel.
09. What are some of the basic UML diagrams?
a) Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use Case diagrams
b) Block diagrams, Parametric diagrams, and Internal Block diagrams (IBD)
c) Mind Map diagrams and Goal-Structure Notation diagrams (GSN)
d) Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Collaboration diagrams
e) Data Flow diagrams (DFD), Control Flow diagrams (CFD), and Entity-Relationship diagrams (ERD)
f) Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagrams and Bowtie diagrams
10. Of what model are Use Cases considered part?
a) Structure Model
b) Behavior Model
c) Activity Model
d) Runway Model
e) Design Model


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: e
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: e
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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