You have to pass the OMG-OCEB2-BUSADV300 exam to receive the certification from OMG. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this OMG OCEB 2 Advanced sample questions. Our Sample OMG-Certified Expert in BPM 2 - Advanced Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the OMG BPM 2 Advanced exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium OMG Certified Expert in BPM 2 - OCEB 2 - Business Advanced Level Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual OMG-OCEB2-BUSADV300 Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of OMG-Certified Expert in BPM 2 - Advanced exam questions.
OMG OCEB 2 Advanced Sample Questions:
01. Which of the following is an essential component of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in BPM?
a) Reducing operational costs
b) Automating all business processes
c) Increasing financial performance
d) Ensuring that business processes are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible
02. How does a BPM Center of Excellence (CoE) contribute to strategic BPM initiatives?
a) By setting short-term goals focused on automation
b) By providing governance, standards, and strategic oversight for BPM initiatives
c) By managing the organization's financial portfolio
d) By focusing only on IT-related improvements
03. How does process assurance impact BPM programs in regulated industries?
a) By increasing process automation rates
b) By reducing the number of processes that need manual intervention
c) By eliminating financial risks in processes
d) By ensuring processes adhere to regulatory and quality standards, thus avoiding penalties
04. What is the importance of aligning organizational change with BPM processes?
a) To automate all manual processes
b) To ensure that the organizational structure and processes are consistent and mutually supportive
c) To reduce financial investment
d) To eliminate the need for process validation
05. What BPMN element should be used to validate the sequence of tasks within a large model?
a) End Event
b) Sequence Flow
c) Boundary Event
d) Task
06. What is a key factor in the success of a BPM change management strategy?
a) Eliminating manual processes
b) Gaining the support of leadership and key stakeholders
c) Reducing the number of change agents involved
d) Focusing only on financial returns
07. In BPMN, how do you represent decision-making logic that splits a model into mutually exclusive paths?
a) Parallel Gateway
b) Inclusive Gateway
c) Exclusive Gateway
d) Message Event
08. When developing a business case for BPM, what is the most important factor to include?
a) The potential cost savings and ROI
b) The number of employees involved in the project
c) The technology stack being used
d) The names of process owners
09. At which stage of the BPMM are processes fully documented and standardized across the organization?
a) Managed
b) Initial
c) Optimizing
d) Defined
10. Which approach ensures continuous alignment of BPM with changing enterprise goals?
a) Regular process reviews and adjustments in response to changing conditions
b) Automation of processes
c) Reducing stakeholder involvement
d) Simplifying decision-making
Question: 01
Answer: d |
Question: 02
Answer: b |
Question: 03
Answer: d |
Question: 04
Answer: b |
Question: 05
Answer: b |
Question: 06
Answer: b |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: d |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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