You have to pass the CTAL-TAE exam to receive the certification from ISTQB. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ISTQB Test Automation Engineering sample questions. Our Sample ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Automation Engineering Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ISTQB CTAL - Test Automation Engineering exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Test Automation Engineering (CTAL-TAE) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ISTQB CTAL-TAE Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Automation Engineering exam questions.
ISTQB Test Automation Engineering Sample Questions:
01. Which of the following is a limitation of test automation?
a) Only usability tests can be automated effectively
b) Test automation can be executed only after system testing is done
c) Test automation can only check results that can be verified visually
d) Test automation can only check results that can be verified by code
02. As a test automation engineer, you have automated the performance test of a customer management system. In order to effectively test the performance of this system, you need to create diverse test data that includes customers with varying profiles based on different input criteria.
What is the best way to implement such a solution?
a) Employ a test automation tool to invoke a web service API that creates new user accounts and populates their profiles with the specified data.
b) Register these users manually via the GUI, so the GUI functionality can also be tested
c) Use the production database during the test as it has the real volume and type of data
d) Implement a test automation script to anonymize customer data before using it during the performance test
03. The senior management wants to implement a TAS in your organization and asks you to lead this initiative. You have been given directions to start a pilot project.
Which of the following statements best describes the objective of this pilot project?
i. Document the SUT parts which have not been documented during the development
ii. Identify the metrics and the measurement methods to monitor the SUT in the production environment
iii. Analyze defects found during the testing of the TAS
iv. Evaluate licensing options and corporation rules
v. Select the most suitable commercial off-the-shelf or open-source tool
a) i, ii and iii are valid objectives of the pilot project
b) ii and iv are valid objectives of the pilot project
c) i, ii and v are valid objectives of the pilot project
d) iv and v are valid objectives of the pilot project
04. As a TAE, you are evaluating new versions of core libraries. Which is the correct order that can help you achieve these results?
a) Create adoption plan; determine impact; update dependencies; perform pilot
b) Perform pilot; determine impact; create adoption plan; update dependencies
c) Update dependencies; determine impact; perform pilot; create adoption plan
d) Determine impact; update dependencies; create adoption plan; perform pilot
05. There is an IT company which develops an often-changing financial software product using the Agile software development model. The development, the integration and the deployment processes are highly automated. There is a CI/CD pipeline currently established. You are working on a TAS. The goal is to create a TAS which can be used for as many test automation purposes as possible.
Which of the following options are valid purposes for test automation in this case?
(Select TWO options)
a) Run a regression test suite every night
b) Execute a build of a component
c) Run a static code analysis
d) Execute an automated performance efficiency test in the CI/CD pipeline
e) Package and deploy the application as part of the deployment phase
06. When a system is designed for testability, one of the characteristics is that the test automation framework (TAF) can access interfaces to perform actions on the system. What is this characteristic called?
a) Observability
b) Controllability
c) Maintainability
d) Interoperability
07. You are working for an IT company which is developing a built-in Android-based car multimedia system. The software contains several components working together. Developers are following the test-driven development approach. After the development of the software, it is delivered to another IT company which integrates the software with the hardware elements and sells them together to car manufacturers.
Which of the following should be considered during capturing the test automation requirements by the IT company you are working for?
(Select TWO options)
a) Is it important for the test automation approach to support component testing?
b) Should the test automation approach support beta testing?
c) Is it important for the test automation approach to support the testing of the software in as many different types of cars as possible?
d) Which tester roles should be supported by the test automation approach?
e) Is it important for the test automation approach to support the mobile application store approval?
08. Which of the following is true about test automation and the SDLC?
a) In Agile software development automated tests focus more on acceptance tests than on component tests
b) In Agile software development automated tests focus more on component tests than on acceptance tests
c) In the V-model automated test execution must be performed after manual test execution
d) In the V-model implementation of test automation is performed throughout the whole software development cycle
09. You are working on a test automation project that is used to automate GUI testing of an online web shop. The web shop contains a wizard which helps users to set up their accounts, their name, billing address, shipping address, and security credentials.
During the test automation, the steps of the wizard are recorded first. Screenshots are taken and stored during these steps. We consider these as the baseline. The baseline was then rerun with no change to the SUT and all tests passed. After the developers submit a change to the wizard, the recorded test scripts are played back, and the screenshots of each step are compared with the baseline screenshots.
During a playback, all test cases failed, even though the visible content seems unchanged. What could be the cause?
(Select TWO options)
a) An internally used technical session ID is also recorded, which changes during the playback. This should be substituted with variables to avoid failures
b) Screenshots are not correctly associated with the test steps, leading to comparisons being made in the wrong order.
c) The failure occurred because relying solely on screenshot comparisons led to inaccurate results.
d) The date in the GUI header is different from the date when it was recorded. This date field should be excluded from the comparison
e) Screenshots were captured in low resolution, causing details to be blurred, making the comparison unreliable.
10. You are about to verify an automated test suite. During the verification process you have found that some test scripts pass one time and fail at another, therefore not providing reliable test results. What should you do to verify the validity of your test scripts?
a) This is due to the parallel execution of the test scripts; synchronization would solve the problem
b) Re-execute the automated test suite and analyze the test results again
c) Remove the test scripts from the automated test suite and analyze them separately
d) This happens because several test scripts are using the same test data, so the separation of test data for each test script would resolve the problem
Question: 01
Answer: d |
Question: 02
Answer: a |
Question: 03
Answer: d |
Question: 04
Answer: b |
Question: 05
Answer: a, d |
Question: 06
Answer: b |
Question: 07
Answer: a, d |
Question: 08
Answer: b |
Question: 09
Answer: a, d |
Question: 10
Answer: c |
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