ISTQB CTAL-ATT Certification Exam Sample Questions

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However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester (CTAL-ATT) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ISTQB CTAL-ATT Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ISTQB Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester exam questions.

ISTQB Agile Technical Tester Sample Questions:

01. You are developing test automation that implements a Regression-avers test strategy. Which of the following is an attribute that ESPECIALLY APPLIES to such implementation?
a) the set of regression tests grows in line with the growing set of features implemented
b) automated test cases from the set of regression tests are continuously improved and refactored
c) automated test cases are implemented in a way supporting good maintainability
d) the number of automated tests is limited by the number of tests given by the projects test pyramid
02. Which of the following sentences about continuous testing and continuous delivery are correct?
Select TWO options.
a) Tester performs daily test execution at a pre-set time as part of continuous delivery
b) Tests are executed each time a new version of code is submitted by the developer
c) Developers update the code repository with the daily code modifications at fixed intervals
d) Automated deployment of a new version is set to take place at least once a day
e) Application deployment is triggered each time the continuous testing passes successfully
03. The challenges described below are of test automation in agile settings or agile projects. Which is the correctly described one?
a) Resource’s availability is a challenge in automating tests in agile settings, as they are needed to create, maintain, and execute the test suite
b) Unit testing automation is the most critical test automation needed in agile and covers most of the testing challenges in agile quality of code and gives good test coverage
c) Test deployment time is one of the challenges of agile testing, as deploying slow is not possible in short iterations
d) Test Execution Time is not critical in agile as there are fewer tests written, and they are designed as checklists or high-level tests which reduces the time it takes to execute them
04. Which of the following correctly describes positive characteristic of unit tests?
a) Unit test can be derived from the given epics and existing code of the test object
b) While refactoring, the redesign of the unit test to adapt to the changed code is crucial
c) Unit tests should be independent from system components other than the one to be tested
d) A unit test should be written against large and complex code structures to get fast and feedback of the code quality
05. Summarize the characteristics of test automation in relation to development projects.
a) Supportive test automation effort must be done in the teams of the iteration teams themselves
b) Test automation supports the goals of an iteration directly, e.g., by reducing the regression risk associated with stability of the system
c) In large projects, there is usually one best solution that fits all needs, and so. on dedicated test automation strategies fits best
d) Test automation can play an important role in test environment configuration and test release acquisition
06. An increased proportion of automated test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual testing that follows reactive strategies, because:
a) Many of the tests that can be prepared upfront, will be automated which enables the testers to spend more time for execution of manual tests
b) An increase of the proportion of automated test increases test coverage, and the uncovered areas are to be tested reactively
c) If the proportion of automated tests increases, manual tests focus on the riskiest areas which are identified reactively
d) Reactive strategies consider the current context and status of the project and the system under test. To be able to adopt to this status most flexible a greater degree of manual testing is necessary
07. Which of the following describes using Personas for requirements specification?
a) Visualize the group of user stories that Laura will work with
b) Analyze how Laura, an online marketeer, will interact with the system to identify acceptance criteria
c) Selecting the right test approach for online marketeers based on the visual aspect on the system
d) Describe the sequence of system operations carried out when Laura uses the system
08. You are a QA manager of a project where each feature must be checked with a very large number of input combinations. You think the approach of data-driven testing could be the correct solution. You want to prepare a Proof of Concept (PoC) to decide if using DDT technique would help or not. Which is the best option from the list below?
a) Ask the test automation team to create several TCs covering the different features, read the input data from a file and run the tests
b) Ask the test automation team to adapt some existing TCs to work with given test data
c) Ask the test automation team to prepare a TC for one of the features, read a sample of the input data and execute the test
d) Ask the test automation team to prepare a general TC which reads the input data from file and executes all the tests 
09. A Swiss Banking system uses the services of a third party service for executing some transactions. Is there a place for using service virtualization when testing this system?
a) No, since the third party service is external to the system
b) Yes, as it allows performing time controlled non-functional testing of the system
c) Yes, as it simplifies the test environment of the third party component
d) No, as such setup cannot simulate inherent network travel time of messages
10. Which of the following statements about performing exploratory testing with test charters is correct?
a) Exploratory testing and black-box testing use the same metrics for measuring test coverage
b) The result of performing exploratory testing by using test charters is finding defects and specification defects
c) In contrast to black-box testing, the expected result is documented after a defect is found and not as part of test design
d) Test charters are a useful tool to be used for testing when a detailed specification for the system under test is available


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: b, e
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: c

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