ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam Sample Questions

CT-TAE Dumps PDF, Test Automation Engineer Dumps, download CTAL - Test Automation Engineer free Dumps, ISTQB Test Automation Engineer exam questions, free online CTAL - Test Automation Engineer exam questionsYou have to pass the CT-TAE exam to receive the certification from ISTQB. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ISTQB Test Automation Engineer sample questions. Our Sample ISTQB Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ISTQB CTAL - Test Automation Engineer exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Test Automation Engineer (CT-TAE) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ISTQB CT-TAE Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ISTQB Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer exam questions.

ISTQB Test Automation Engineer Sample Questions:

01. You are testing a system that is updated by monthly service packs. You are testing multiple versions of the SUT simultaneously. Your TAS is complex and you need to ensure it remains consistent across the different SUT environments.
How will you ensure that the same version of the TAS is used to test each SUT?
a) Develop a tool to track historical test results.
b) Update the TAS each time the SUT is patched.
c) Install the TAS into the SUT environments from a central repository.
d) Revert back to manual testing.
02. When publishing a test execution report which key attribute must the report contain?
a) Test case steps
b) Test environment
c) Assessment of the reliability of the SUT
d) Root cause of any failures
03. Which of the following is an important technical success factor for any significant automation project?
a) The TAA must be designed for learnability.
b) The SUT must be self-documenting
c) The TAA must support the ability to automate all manual tests.
d) The GUI interaction and data must be coupled with the graphical interface
04. You have executed an automated test suite for a product that was released to production. Although your tests passed, there was a major failure in production in an area that is well covered by your automated tests. You have verified that your tests did pass and that the reporting of the results was correct.
What should you do now to verify the validity of your tests?
a) Change your test data and run the tests again.
b) Run tests that should fail and verify that they fail.
c) Check that the post conditions of each test case are being verified correctly.
d) Run tests that should pass and verify that they pass.
05. Who should provide feedback to the TAE when implementing new features to an existing TAS?
a) Business Analysts
b) Senior Managers
c) System Administrators
d) Test Designers with domain expertise
06. You have been asked to distribute the results of your test automation daily. The preferred method for distribution of these results is via e-mail. What is an important characteristic of your test automation reporting that will allow you to provide this information?
a) It should allow you to capture an audio message to accompany test results.
b) It should integrate with a common third party tool.
c) It should provide a way to publish the test log library.
d) It should allow you to supplement the results with manual commentary.
07. When implementing results reporting for test automation, what is a good way to allow the reader to make a quick assessment of the progress of the test execution?
a) Traffic lights.
b) Detailed reports with percentages of completion.
c) Database of results.
d) Spreadsheets.
08. You have been asked to conduct a pilot for the test automation tool. You have identified a suitable target project (average size and cost), planned the pilot (treating it as a development effort), and conducted the pilot. What should be your next step?
a) Evaluate the results within the pilot testing team and prepare a report for management.
b) Conduct another pilot on a trivial project to ensure the time requirements will not be too high on small projects.
c) Conduct another pilot on a critical project to ensure the tool will work when it really matters.
d) Evaluate the results engaging the stakeholders to gather their viewpoints.
09. What is a stated goal for automated regression test coverage if it is to ascertain the overall quality of the SUT?
a) Broad.
b) Broad and deep.
c) Cursory.
d) Deep.
10. You have been reviewing the test cases in your TAS and have discovered that there is a wide variety of methods the TAEs have used to handle system errors. How should you handle this?
a) Establish an error recovery process in the TAS and ensure all test cases are using that process.
b) Create a library of recovery processes so there is better reuse between the different scripts.
c) Move to a keyword-driven approach and make recovery one of the keywords.
d) Provide better wait time handling in the scripts to avoid system errors.


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: a

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