ISTQB CT-AI Certification Exam Sample Questions

CT-AI Dumps PDF, AI Testing Dumps, download Artificial Intelligence Tester free Dumps, ISTQB AI Testing exam questions, free online Artificial Intelligence Tester exam questionsYou have to pass the CT-AI exam to receive the certification from ISTQB. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ISTQB AI Testing sample questions. Our Sample ISTQB Certified Tester AI Testing Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ISTQB Artificial Intelligence Tester exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ISTQB Certified Tester AI Testing (CT-AI) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ISTQB CT-AI Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ISTQB Certified Tester AI Testing exam questions.

ISTQB AI Testing Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following statements is CORRECT with respect to visual testing?
a) Visual testing makes use of object IDs to determine changes
b) Visual testing uses images to do pixel-by-pixel comparisons
c) Visual testing helps find overlapping user interface elements
d) Visual testing fails when the screen layout changes
02. DataSure is a start-up with a product that promises to improve the quality of ML models. DataSure claim that this improvement comes from checking if the data has been labeled correctly.
Which of the following defects is MOST likely to have been prevented by using this product?
a) The model will have security vulnerabilities
b) The model will not fulfill its intended function
c) The model will have poor accuracy
d) The model will produce biased outputs
03. An ML engineer is trying to find exploitable inputs and then use these inputs to retrain the models to make them immune to these inputs.
Which of the following options BEST describes the approach being used by the ML engineer?
a) Validation
b) Adversarial testing
c) Data pipeline testing
d) Scalability testing
04. When performing testing of a trained model, an ML engineer found that the model was highly accurate when evaluated with validation data but that it performed poorly with independent test data.
Which of the following options is MOST likely to cause this situation?
a) Underfitting
b) Concept drift
c) Overfitting
d) Poor acceptance criteria
05. In which of the following situations would AI be MOST useful when categorizing new defects?
a) A large number of defects is reported on a small application
b) A small number of defects requires categorization on a new application
c) Minimal data is provided in typical defect reports
d) A new development team needs to know the most appropriate developer to fix a defect
06. Which of the following characteristics of an example AI-based system might cause a test oracle problem?
a) The output of the system is a prediction for which the ground truth is unknown
b) It is not known where the training data was obtained
c) The system runs with no human intervention and is considered to be autonomous
d) There is a lack of transparency into how the system was implemented
07. System testing of an AI-based system is being planned. It has been suggested that exploratory testing is used in addition to scripted test techniques.
Which of the following scenarios is MOST likely to be an example of exploratory testing being performed?
a) Training data is visualized using tools to look at various aspects of the data
b) Tests written using equivalence partitioning during the previous test cycle are being run
c) The Google ‘ML test checklist’ is being used
d) ML functional performance metrics are being calculated
08. Why would the accuracy of human decisions be considered in testing as well as the accuracy of AI-based systems?
a) Intuitive human decisions can be made faster than a corresponding AI-based system in some situations
b) Unethical decisions can be made by humans as well as AI-based systems
c) The accuracy of human decisions is not relevant to testing AI-based systems
d) Human decisions may be of lower quality when they have been recommended by an AI- based system
09. A test manager decides to have a non-AI system with similar functionality to the AI based system under test (SUT) built to support system testing.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be CORRECT?
a) The test manager has chosen back-to-back testing because it helps solve the test oracle problem by using a pseudo-oracle
b) The test manager has chosen A/B testing because it helps solve the test oracle problem by using a pseudo-oracle
c) The test manager has chosen back-to-back testing because the non-functional requirements of the SUT can be verified against the pseudo-oracle
d) The test manager has chosen A/B testing because the non-functional requirements of the SUT can be verified against the pseudo-oracle
10. The data scientist has complained that the model cannot be trained with one particular algorithm, although other algorithms work with the same training data.
Which of the following options is the MOST likely reason for this?
a) Wrong data
b) Missing data
c) Insufficient data
d) Badly labelled data


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: c

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