IIBA CBDA Certification Exam Sample Questions

CBDA Dumps PDF, Business Data Analytics Dumps, download Business Data Analytics free Dumps, IIBA Business Data Analytics exam questions, free online Business Data Analytics exam questionsYou have to pass the CBDA exam to receive the certification from IIBA. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this IIBA Business Data Analytics sample questions. Our Sample IIBA Certification in Business Data Analytics Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the IIBA Business Data Analytics exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium IIBA Certification in Business Data Analytics (CBDA) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual IIBA CBDA Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of IIBA Certification in Business Data Analytics exam questions.

IIBA Business Data Analytics Sample Questions:

01. An analyst is building a dashboard for the Senior Executive team. Which of the following, if added, would add context and commentary?
a) Design, which focuses on the use of color and placement of visuals
b) Tools, which help creating the visuals through the data
c) Narrative, which includes the context and commentary
d) Channel, which is the medium used to communicate
02. Within a public health dataset, 96% of the observations describe 35-year-old men. Which inference is a valid statement?
a) Age and gender features can be eliminated
b) Age and gender features can be included
c) Gender feature can be removed
d) Age feature can be removed
03. A financial software company has growth and expansion as one of its top strategic priorities for the year. The senior executive team wants to assess their sales performance over the last 3 years to help set the sales objectives.
From the questions below, which would evaluate the team effectiveness at making a sale?
a) What is the annual revenue growth?
b) What is the average time for conversion?
c) What is the number of customers retained over the past 3 years?
d) When is the correct time to market the software?
04. During a session on the importance of data storytelling, an analytics manager tells the team that memorability is one of its key benefits. How does a story make data reporting easier to remember?
a) The results are more quickly understood by the brain
b) The visuals are more appealing and highlights are easily observed
c) It can be made to support the claim behind the analytics project
d) It stimulates more areas of the brain making it engaging
05. A model is developed to communicate the correlation between two variables. Which diagram is produced?
a) Bar Chart
b) Box Plot
c) Scatter Plot
d) Pie Chart
06. What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning?
a) There is no difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.
b) Unsupervised learning is used for classification tasks while supervised learning is used for clustering tasks.
c) Supervised learning is used for clustering tasks while unsupervised learning is used for regression tasks.
d) Unsupervised learning requires labeled data while supervised learning does not.
e) Supervised learning requires labeled data while unsupervised learning does not.
07. A restaurant chain is interested in deploying more efficient methods for servicing its customers. The sales manager has asked the analytics team to help answer the question ‘Will customers purchase less food if asked to use self-service features’?
A predictive model is built to perform the research but the team is unsure of its mathematical accuracy in determining customer behavior.
Which technique could the team use to validate the model for accuracy?
a) Forecasting
b) Simulation
c) Process modeling
d) Regression analysis
08. When comparing two data sources for the same set of employees, an analyst found that one of the data sources had the format for the start date as dd/mm/yyyy, while the other data source had the format as dd-mm-yyyy.
Which data quality dimension is being evaluated here?
a) Validity
b) Accuracy
c) Consistency
d) Uniqueness
09. A business analyst is running a focus group to review the findings from a recent analytics project. The analyst would like to use the focus group to uncover opinions and attitudes about the results.
Which of the following provides an example of a well-run focus group?
a) The subsequent report included areas of agreement and disagreement
b) The business analyst conducted a freeform discussion to gather a general sense of stakeholders’ opinions
c) The group selected a representative who spoke on behalf of the team
d) The stakeholders were delighted with the findings and no discussion is recorded as everyone is satisfied
10. The research question prompting the use of analytics is well-defined. If the source data the team expected to use ends up being unreliable, what is the next step the team can take without changing the original objective?
a) Identify research question
b) Data sourcing
c) Data collection
d) Data analysis


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: e
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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