You have to pass the OBF exam to receive the certification from DevOps Institute. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this DevOps Institute Observability Foundation sample questions. Our Sample Observability Foundation Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the DevOps Institute Observability Foundation exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium DevOps Institute Certified Observability Foundation (OBF) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual DevOps Institute OBF Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of Observability Foundation exam questions.
DevOps Institute Observability Foundation Sample Questions:
01. Which techniques are used in Time Travel Topology to analyze system behavior?
(Select two)
a) Snapshot analysis of system states
b) Historical event correlation
c) Deleting all past logs after 24 hours
d) Manual debugging without historical data
02. What advantages does distributed tracing offer in observability?
(Select two)
a) Requires manual analysis of each service request
b) Replaces the need for logging and monitoring tools
c) Helps identify latency bottlenecks in distributed systems
d) Allows teams to visualize the flow of requests across microservices
03. In OpenTelemetry, __________ enable integration with external monitoring platforms like Prometheus and Jaeger.
a) Exporters
b) Firewalls
c) Debuggers
d) Cloud storage
04. AIOps leverages __________ to analyze IT data, detect patterns, and predict potential failures.
a) Manual troubleshooting
b) Machine learning
c) Static reporting
d) Traditional relational databases
05. What tools are commonly used to implement the three pillars of observability?
(Select two)
a) OpenTelemetry
b) Elasticsearch
c) Microsoft Word
d) Adobe Photoshop
06. How does DataOps enhance observability in data management?
a) By automating data pipeline monitoring and improving data quality
b) By restricting access to data logs
c) By eliminating the need for data monitoring tools
d) By manually tracking data pipeline failures
07. DevOps teams use observability tools to monitor and analyze __________ to detect and troubleshoot issues.
a) Business financial reports
b) Static configuration files
c) Logs, metrics, and traces
d) User feedback surveys
08. What are key characteristics of an observable system?
(Select two)
a) Provides real-time telemetry data
b) Requires manual log analysis for every failure
c) Enables root cause analysis through logs, metrics, and traces
d) Eliminates the need for automated monitoring tools
09. Which of the following best defines "unknown unknowns" in observability?
a) Issues that have predefined alerts and can be easily identified
b) Performance bottlenecks that occur during peak hours
c) Unforeseen failures that require deeper investigation and analysis
d) Configuration errors that cause predictable system failures
10. How does observability help SRE teams manage Service Level Objectives (SLOs)?
a) By restricting access to monitoring dashboards
b) By focusing only on network traffic analysis
c) By eliminating the need for Service Level Indicators (SLIs)
d) By providing real-time data to measure system performance against defined objectives
Question: 01
Answer: a, b |
Question: 02
Answer: c, d |
Question: 03
Answer: a |
Question: 04
Answer: b |
Question: 05
Answer: a, b |
Question: 06
Answer: a |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: a, c |
Question: 09
Answer: c |
Question: 10
Answer: d |
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