You have to pass the DSOF exam to receive the certification from DevOps Institute. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this DevOps Institute DevSecOps Foundation sample questions. Our Sample DevSecOps Foundation Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the DevOps Institute DevSecOps Foundation exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium DevOps Institute Certified DevSecOps Foundation (DSOF) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual DevOps Institute DSOF Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of DevSecOps Foundation exam questions.
DevOps Institute DevSecOps Foundation Sample Questions:
01. The process of ensuring security is a shared responsibility across all teams in DevSecOps is called __________.
a) Security culture transformation
b) Manual security enforcement
c) Security avoidance
d) Compliance-only security
02. Why is executive leadership support crucial for DevSecOps adoption?
a) It removes the need for compliance in security strategies
b) It ensures that security is handled only by IT teams
c) It eliminates the need for automated security testing
d) It helps align security objectives with business goals and provides necessary resources
03. What is the role of developers in DevSecOps?
a) Writing secure code and integrating security best practices into development workflows
b) Delegating security responsibilities entirely to the security team
c) Ignoring security concerns to focus solely on functionality
d) Manually reviewing all security logs and compliance reports
04. Who are the key stakeholders in a DevSecOps environment?
a) Only security teams, as they are responsible for security
b) Only developers, as they write the application code
c) Developers, security teams, operations, and business leaders
d) Only operations teams, as they maintain infrastructure
05. In DevSecOps, the process of integrating security tools and practices into DevOps workflows from the beginning is called __________.
a) Continuous delivery
b) Shifting security left
c) Reactive security
d) Static testing
06. How should organizations introduce security into their DevOps pipelines?
a) By delaying security implementations to avoid disrupting development
b) By limiting security testing to production environments
c) By conducting security audits only at the end of development
d) By integrating security tools into CI/CD processes
07. A security framework that continuously adjusts security controls based on real-time data is known as __________ security.
a) Adaptive
b) Static
c) Manual
d) Scheduled
08. Why is real-time incident response important in a Responsive DevSecOps Model?
a) It delays security patches until a full investigation is completed
b) It replaces the need for security automation tools
c) It minimizes the impact of security breaches and reduces recovery time
d) It ensures that only security teams handle security incidents
09. Which of the following are best practices for secure DevSecOps pipelines?
(Select two)
a) Implementing least privilege access controls
b) Using automated secrets management solutions
c) Hardcoding API keys in source code for easy access
d) Disabling logging to prevent sensitive data leaks
10. How can DevSecOps teams proactively identify security vulnerabilities?
(Select two)
a) Disabling logging to prevent excessive data collection
b) Avoiding security testing in production environments
c) Implementing continuous security monitoring
d) Conducting regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing
Question: 01
Answer: a |
Question: 02
Answer: d |
Question: 03
Answer: a |
Question: 04
Answer: c |
Question: 05
Answer: b |
Question: 06
Answer: d |
Question: 07
Answer: a |
Question: 08
Answer: c |
Question: 09
Answer: a, b |
Question: 10
Answer: c, d |
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