You have to pass the CQE exam to receive the certification from ASQ. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this ASQ Quality Engineer sample questions. Our Sample ASQ Certified Quality Engineer Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ASQ Quality Engineer exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium ASQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual ASQ CQE Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of ASQ Certified Quality Engineer exam questions.
ASQ Quality Engineer Sample Questions:
01. How many number of trials does a 3-factor, 2-level full factorial experiment consist of?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 9
02. You are shifting your plant to an earthquake prone location. You get plant foundations designed to absorb the earthquake shocks. What risk strategy are you adopting?
a) Mitigate
b) Avoid
c) Transfer
d) Accept
03. A major problem has occurred that was not identified in the risk response plan. What is the term used to identify the actions to deal with these unplanned risks?
a) Issue
b) Workaround
c) Opportunity
d) Risk identification
04. For a process the Cp and Cpk values both turn out to be 2.1. What do you conclude from this?
a) The process is capable
b) The process is capable but not centred
c) The process is not capable
d) The process is highly capable and centred
05. Which of the following is an advantage of using quantitative methods of risk analysis, as compared to the qualitative methods?
a) Less time consuming
b) Easy to perform
c) More accurate
d) Less reliant on software
06. What is the purpose of blocking?
a) To identify the factors leading to the biggest change in response
b) To reduce interaction
c) To increase interaction to the optimum level
d) To take care of unwanted variation because of the blocking factor
07. Which of the following risk strategy is utilized by both negative and positive risks?
a) Share
b) Mitigate
c) Accept
d) Transfer
08. The result of each trial is recorded and later analyzed. What is the term for the result?
a) Response
b) Factor
c) Level
d) Experiment
09. What is the purpose of performing fractional factorial designs instead of full factorial?
a) To increase the accuracy level
b) To minimize interactions
c) To reduce the number of runs
d) To increase the confidence level
10. Which of the following provides the most powerful information?
a) Full Factorial Design
b) Partial Factorial Design
c) Plackett-Burman Design
d) One-Factor-at-a-Time
Question: 01
Answer: c |
Question: 02
Answer: a |
Question: 03
Answer: b |
Question: 04
Answer: d |
Question: 05
Answer: c |
Question: 06
Answer: d |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: c |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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