To achieve the professional designation of ASQ Certified Calibration Technician from the ASQ, candidates must clear the CCT Exam with the minimum cut-off score. For those who wish to pass the ASQ Calibration Technician certification exam with good percentage, please take a look at the following reference document detailing what should be included in ASQ Calibration Technician Exam preparation.
The ASQ CCT Exam Summary, Body of Knowledge (BOK), Sample Question Bank and Practice Exam provide the basis for the real ASQ Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) exam. We have designed these resources to help you get ready to take ASQ Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) exam. If you have made the decision to become a certified professional, we suggest you take authorized training and prepare with our online premium ASQ Calibration Technician Practice Exam to achieve the best result.
ASQ CCT Exam Summary:
Exam Name | ASQ Certified Calibration Technician |
Exam Code | CCT |
Exam Fee |
ASQ MEMBERS - $347 NON-MEMBERS - $447 RETAKES - $247 |
Exam Duration |
Total appointment time- 270 Exam Time - 258 Minutes |
Number of Questions | 135 |
Passing Score | 550/750 |
Format | Multiple Choice Questions |
Books / Trainings | Certified Calibration Technician Certification Preparation |
Schedule Exam | Book Your Exam |
Sample Questions | ASQ Calibration Technician Exam Sample Questions and Answers |
Practice Exam | ASQ Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) Practice Test |
ASQ Calibration Technician Syllabus Topics:
Topic | Details |
I. General Metrology (30 questions) |
A. Base SI Units | - Describe and define the seven base units: 1) meter, 2) kilogram, 3) second, 4) ampere, 5) kelvin, 6) candela, and 7) mole. (Understand) NOTE: The application of these units is covered in I.B., I.C., I.D, and I.E. |
B. Derived SI Units | - Define, calculate, and convert various derived units, such as 1) degree, 2) ohm, 3) pascal, 4) newton, 5) joule, 6) coulomb, 7) hertz, and 8) watt. (Apply) |
C. SI Multipliers and Conversions | - Define various multipliers, such as 1) kilo, 2) deci, 3) centi, and 4) milli. Calculate converted values, such as mega to kilo and micro to milli. (Apply) |
D. Fundamental Constants | - Identify the fundamental constants of 1) velocity or speed of light in a vacuum (c), 2) gravitational constant (g), 3) Planck’s constant (h), 4) Avogadro constant (NA), 5) Boltzmann (kB), and 6) elementary charge (e), and their standard symbols and common applications. (Understand) NOTE: The values of these constants and the formulas for calculating them will not be tested. |
E. Common Measurements | - Describe and apply IM&TE in measuring 1) temperature, 2) humidity, 3) pressure, 4) torque, 5) force, 6) mass, 7) voltage / current / resistance, 8) time / frequency, 9) linear displacement, 10) power, 11) dimensional, 12) viscosity, 13) volume, 14) luminosity, 15) flow, 16) energy, and 17) density. (Apply) |
F. Traceability Standards and Hierarchy | - Identify various aspects of traceability, such as traceability through commercial laboratories, national laboratories, international metrology organizations, and SI units. Understand the realization and dissemination of SI units. (Apply) |
G. Measurement Standards | - Define and distinguish between various types of standards, such as 1) primary, 2) secondary, 3) reference, 4) working, 5) intrinsic, 6) derived, 7) consensus, and 8) transfer, and identify when to use them in various situations. (Analyze) |
H. Substitution of Standards | - Assess when and how calibration standards can be substituted based on 1) measurement requirements, 2) equipment availability, 3) equipment specifications, etc. (Evaluate) |
II. Measurement Systems (26 questions) |
A. Measurement Methods | - Describe and employ various measurement methods, such as 1) direct (e.g., absolute and fundamental), 2) indirect, 3) ratio, 4) transfer (e.g., comparison), 5) differential, and 6) substitution by unit under test (UUT). (Evaluate) |
B. Measurement Characteristics |
- Define and distinguish various characteristics used for basic measurements, such as 1) variability, 2) sensitivity, 3) repeatability, 4) reproducibility, 5) bias, 6) linearity, 7) stability, and 8) measurand. (Apply) NOTE: The use of these characteristics in uncertainty measurements is covered in IV. |
C. Measurement Data Considerations | - Identify and analyze various aspects of measurement data, such as 1) format, 2) readability, 3) resolution, 4) suitability for use, and 5) confidentiality. (Analyze) |
D. IM&TE Specification Terms and Characteristics | - Demonstrate knowledge of common specification descriptions, such as 1) percent of full scale, 2) percent of range, 3) percent of reading, and 4) number of counts. Describe and distinguish between characteristics of specifications, such as 5) tolerance and specifications, 6) baseline modifiers and qualifiers, 7) output, 8) scale, and 9) floor terms. (Analyze) |
E. Error Sources | - Identify, mitigate, and correct error sources that can affect measurement results, such as 1) drift, 2) bias, 3) operator error, 4) measurement process, and 5) environment. (Evaluate) |
F. Measurement Assurance Program (MAP) | - Explain basic MAP concepts, such as 1) interlaboratory comparisons and testing schemes, 2) proficiency tests, 3) gage R&R studies, and 4) statistical process control (SPC). (Understand) |
III. Calibration Systems (28 questions) |
A. Calibration Procedures | - Identify and apply common elements of calibration procedures, such as 1) required equipment, 2) equipment listing, 3) environmental considerations and restraints, and 4) common procedures. (Analyze) |
B. Standardization and Adjustment Methods | - Utilize methods, such as 1) spanning, 2) nulling, 3) zeroing, and 4) linearization, to adjust and standardize IM&TE and analyze the outcomes. (Analyze) |
C. Industry Practices and Regulations |
1. Industry practices 2. Regulations, mandates, and guidance |
D. Environmental Control | - Recognize various environmental parameters for 1) humidity, 2) dust levels, 3) electrostatic discharge (ESD), 4) temperature, 5) vibration, 6) pressure, etc., and explain their influence on calibration activities. (Apply) |
E. Calibration Processes for IM&TE |
1. Process flow 2. Logistical information 3. Roles and responsibilities 4. Scheduling |
F. Validation Processes | - Determine issues related to validating manual and automated calibration systems and identify unique validation considerations for software or firmware that is part of IM&TE or calibration processes. Apply verification of standard methods and validation of self-developed processes. (Apply) |
G. Records Management | - Define and describe document control in terms of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of various calibration records, such as 1) audit results, 2) staff training, 3) uncertainty budgets, 4) customer data, 5) technical records, 6) documented processes, 7) requests, 8) contracts, and 9) tenders. (Apply) |
H. Official Reports | - Describe and distinguish various types of formal results reporting, such as 1) calibration certificates, 2) calibration labels, 3) nonconformance calibration reports, and 4) test reports. (Apply) |
IV. Measurement Uncertainty and Applied Math (25 questions) |
A. Uncertainty Terminology | - Define and explain basic terms, such as 1) guard-banding, 2) probability for false rejection (PFR, also known as Type I error), 3) probability for false acceptance (PFA, also known as Type II error), 4) test uncertainty ratio (TUR), 5) test accuracy ratio (TAR), 6) bias, 7) percent of tolerance, and 8) gage R&R. (Apply) |
B. Uncertainty Budget Components | - Define and identify various type A and type B uncertainty components, such as 1) environment, 2) methods, 3) unit under test, 4) materials, 5) resolution, and 6) the key elements and steps of developing an uncertainty budget. (Apply) |
C. Uncertainty Determination and Reporting | - Define various methods to determine and report measurement uncertainty, such as 1) combined and expanded uncertainty, 2) coverage factors, 3) confidence levels, 4) effective degrees of freedom, 5) distribution factors, 6) uncertainty calculation elements (e.g., mean, standard deviation, root sum square (RSS), and variance), and 7) statement of conformity / decision rule (e.g., simple acceptance). (Apply) |
D. Technical and Applied Mathematics |
1. Scientific and engineering notation 2. English / Metric conversions 3. Ratios 4. Tables, graphs, and plots 5. Rounding, truncation, and significant figures 6. Order of mathematical operations 7. Algebraic equations 8. Angular conversions |
V. Quality Systems and Standards (16 questions) |
A. Quality Management Systems |
1. System components 2. Strategic and tactical processes |
B. Quality Control Tools | - Understand the seven basic quality tools: 1) flowcharts / process maps, 2) check sheets, 3) Pareto chart, 4) cause and effect diagrams, 5) scatter diagrams, 6) control charts, and 7) histograms. (Understand) |
C. Quality Audits |
- Define and describe the following elements of quality audits. (Understand)
D. Corrective Action for Nonconformances |
1. Nonconformance identification 2. Impact assessment |
E. Professional Conduct and Ethics | - Demonstrate appropriate behaviors that are aligned with the ASQ Code of Ethics for various situations. (Apply) |
F. Occupational Safety Requirements |
1. Hazards and safety equipment 2. Occupational health and safety 3. Housekeeping 4. Pre and Post Calibration Condition |
G. Quality Standards and Guides |
- Explain the benefits and importance of the following documents and organizations in relation to calibration. (Understand)
Both ASQ and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a ASQ CCT professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of ASQ Calibration Technician concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain ASQ Calibration Technician knowledge and recall that when needed.