You have to pass the CAP APMP exam to receive the certification from APMP. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this APMP Capture Practitioner sample questions. Our Sample APMP Capture Practitioner-Level Certification Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the APMP Capture Practitioner exam.
However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium APMP Capture Practitioner-Level Certification (CAP APMP) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual APMP CAP APMP Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of APMP Capture Practitioner-Level Certification exam questions.
APMP Capture Practitioner Sample Questions:
01. How can a capture team improve customer engagement throughout the opportunity lifecycle?
a) By maintaining regular communication and providing updates
b) By limiting contact until the proposal submission phase
c) By only engaging the customer when issues arise
d) By focusing solely on contract negotiation
02. Scenario: During the competitive analysis phase, the team discovers that a rival company has strong technical expertise but weaker customer service. How should this insight be leveraged?
a) Focus only on legal compliance rather than customer engagement
b) Lower pricing drastically to make up for any perceived technical disadvantage
c) Ignore the competitor’s weakness and focus only on technical capabilities
d) Emphasize superior customer support and relationship management in the proposal
03. What actions help address risks related to customer engagement?
(Select all that apply)
a) Maintaining regular communication with key decision-makers
b) Seeking clarification on unclear customer requirements
c) Assuming that a lack of customer engagement means disinterest
d) Adjusting capture strategies based on customer feedback
04. At what stage should bid support be engaged in the capture process?
a) As early as possible to align with strategy and execution
b) Only after the first draft of the proposal is completed
c) Once the capture team finalizes the pricing strategy
d) Only in the final review before submission
05. When should program support be engaged in the opportunity capture process?
a) Only when risks are identified
b) After contract negotiation begins
c) Only after the proposal is submitted
d) At the earliest stages to provide insights and refine strategies
06. Why is selecting the right people for an opportunity capture team critical to success?
a) It ensures that only senior executives make key decisions
b) It helps align skills and expertise with capture strategy needs
c) It minimizes the involvement of other departments
d) It reduces the need for collaboration with external stakeholders
07. How can program support teams contribute to shaping the solution for an opportunity?
a) By working independently from the capture team
b) By focusing only on cost reduction without considering value
c) By ensuring alignment with customer needs and feasibility of execution
d) By overriding the capture team's strategic decisions
08. Who are the key decision-makers involved in a gate review process?
a) External vendors
b) Senior leadership, capture managers, and business development teams
c) The finance team only
d) The sales team only
09. Scenario: A bid support team member notices that the proposal does not fully comply with a key RFP requirement. The deadline is approaching. What should they do?
a) Make an unapproved last-minute adjustment to the proposal
b) Submit the proposal as-is and hope for leniency from the customer
c) Ignore the compliance issue to avoid delaying submission
d) Escalate the issue to the capture manager and suggest corrections
10. Which factor should be prioritized when setting SMART objectives for opportunity capture team members?
a) Aligning objectives with the capture strategy and timelines
b) Making objectives broad and general to allow flexibility
c) Setting objectives that are only measurable internally
d) Focusing solely on individual performance metrics
Question: 01
Answer: a |
Question: 02
Answer: d |
Question: 03
Answer: a, b, d |
Question: 04
Answer: a |
Question: 05
Answer: d |
Question: 06
Answer: b |
Question: 07
Answer: c |
Question: 08
Answer: b |
Question: 09
Answer: d |
Question: 10
Answer: a |
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