About Us

'Why we are here' is more important than 'Who we are'. We are here to help our community users to make their business process improvement and project management certification dream true by practicing with our online practice exam platform. The platform where domain experts and community contributors can join hands to impart knowledge available to our community users that can help them clear their dream certification exams with an excellent score.

We are a group of certified professionals and have one thing in common; we all went through hardship. We all took training, studied well and even read PDF question sets, but due to less practice of giving exam with online simulation environment, we could not achieve what we expected. This experience taught us that, “Straight line is the shortest distance between two dots” and here the straight line is to practice in real like exam environment, this thought inspired us to build this platform.

Our motive is to provide well-qualified and deserving certified candidates to the industries and help the businesses to improve the Performance, Process, and Quality. We have sets of values at www.ProcessExam.com, and we believe in it indeed.

  • Nothing less than satisfaction, either you get satisfaction here, or you get your monitorial investment back. Yes, we call the cost of premium exam practices an investment. We have created this practice exam with the belief that it should be worth investing time than money.
  • Provide truly excellent and refined content in a way that helps you gain your certification quickly.
  • Repetitive practice in real like exam environment easy your journey from a beginner to an experienced.
  • We have the team of certified professionals behind each module's practice exam. Our team continues to work hard to provide you most recent, updated and refined content as practice exam that most likely to be on the actual certification exam.
  • At last, we are not here to make money; however, we charge here to maintain the values of what we create here to help certification aspirants.
  • We are proud of providing ultimate satisfaction to more than 12K candidates worldwide.
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User Testimonials...

  • As i have lots on my mind and more than that on my platter, i am already occupied to take anything else. But my hunger for more knowledge prompted me to attempt the then upcoming PMI-ACP certification exam. To save me troubles of going to offline classes, i took up Agile Certified Practitioner practice question sets online. This helped me study at my own pace, re-attempt those tests wherein i did not perform well and do everything that will help my knowledge further and my preparation complete. I am very satisfied with the fees for the resource and the entire design of the module. As i have cleared the exam, i have decided that i will recharge my subscription of premium membership so that i can stay updated.

    Oct 13 2022 - 09:12
  • I very much liked the idea of a single payment for two months unlimited access. The CSSYB mock exams have a system which is very simple and easy for already burdened professionals. I remained so relaxed during the practice of Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification exam. I did not have to go back and forth every time i decided to attempt questions.

    Oct 12 2022 - 08:31
  • While others were just a group of age-old questions, CAPM simulated questions are handpicked by experts and recently certified candidates. I am glad that i am practicing on these questions. My objective is to clear the Project Management Associate certificate exam with a high score so that doors of many companies are opened for me.

    Oct 11 2022 - 20:48
  • CPIM Part 2 practice exams overturned my failure in the last attempt of the CPIM Part 2 certification exam. I am overjoyed at this resource being under my budget and full of interesting and engaging things to learn from and give into the CPIM Part 2 exam.

    Oct 10 2022 - 18:35
  • Two topics interpersonal and business both had 16.5% topic weightage each in the SHRM-SCP certification exam. I was weak in both of them and did not know how will i cover the topics. Then, i came across SHRM Senior Certified Professional simulated exams that are based on the actual topic weightage. And practicing on the questions daily helped me comprehend the topics and the skills to attempt the questions in the actual exam within two months of duration.

    Oct 10 2022 - 07:20
  • Scrum.org PSU 1 mocks are a novel approach to clear concepts in the syllabus.

    Oct 9 2022 - 10:20
  • CTAL-TTA mock exams will stay with me in the ups and downs of my career as these have taught me so much that failures failed to teach me. I learnt how to give up sometimes and how to hold on to without much help and assistance i could move forward in life. I have also cleared the ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst certification exam successfully at first attempt itself.

    Megan Mcdonald
    Oct 8 2022 - 23:29
  • The sample exams were extremely helpful tool to study. They cover all the topics in the Body of Knowledge and by doing several attempts to the sample exams helped me to manage the time and better understand the concepts.

    Oct 8 2022 - 19:23