About Us

'Why we are here' is more important than 'Who we are'. We are here to help our community users to make their business process improvement and project management certification dream true by practicing with our online practice exam platform. The platform where domain experts and community contributors can join hands to impart knowledge available to our community users that can help them clear their dream certification exams with an excellent score.

We are a group of certified professionals and have one thing in common; we all went through hardship. We all took training, studied well and even read PDF question sets, but due to less practice of giving exam with online simulation environment, we could not achieve what we expected. This experience taught us that, “Straight line is the shortest distance between two dots” and here the straight line is to practice in real like exam environment, this thought inspired us to build this platform.

Our motive is to provide well-qualified and deserving certified candidates to the industries and help the businesses to improve the Performance, Process, and Quality. We have sets of values at www.ProcessExam.com, and we believe in it indeed.

  • Nothing less than satisfaction, either you get satisfaction here, or you get your monitorial investment back. Yes, we call the cost of premium exam practices an investment. We have created this practice exam with the belief that it should be worth investing time than money.
  • Provide truly excellent and refined content in a way that helps you gain your certification quickly.
  • Repetitive practice in real like exam environment easy your journey from a beginner to an experienced.
  • We have the team of certified professionals behind each module's practice exam. Our team continues to work hard to provide you most recent, updated and refined content as practice exam that most likely to be on the actual certification exam.
  • At last, we are not here to make money; however, we charge here to maintain the values of what we create here to help certification aspirants.
  • We are proud of providing ultimate satisfaction to more than 12K candidates worldwide.
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User Testimonials...

  • It is very necessary to attempt at least 1 certification in your career. It reflects well on the resume and it even helps in learning a thing or two. My turning point in my career came when i attempted the PMI-RMP certification exam through the premium membership of the PMI Risk Management Professional mock questions for online prep and I really liked it very much.

    Jul 22 2023 - 13:36
  • I was very lonely earlier and did not have anyone to fall back on. So when my career took a dip due to the recession, i faced a tough time. However, thanks to the Pega CPLSA online paid service of mock quizzes that helped me to clear the Pega CPLSA certification exam, i have so many community members online. These people were like unknown faces always there to motivate me and help me come out of the slump i had fallen into. This is something i will always be grateful for and will convey my regards to the people who came up with this format of the preparation online.

    Jul 22 2023 - 07:34
  • There are so many things in life that we look forward to. And one of the major events is the marks that we receive for certification. My career path was dependent on the APMG International Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification. I was not able to clear it in the first attempt. I was quite sad and was on the verge of quitting when I came across the APMG International Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt question bank for exam. It is a full-fledged preparation material with mock questions that are very similar to the actual exam. In fact, the entire environment is built up in a way that candidates like us are able to clear the exam without any problems.

    Jul 21 2023 - 20:33
  • There are so many things in life that we look forward to. And one of the major events is the marks that we receive for certification. My career path was dependent on the APMG International Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification. I was not able to clear it in the first attempt. I was quite sad and was on the verge of quitting when I came across the APMG International Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt question bank for exam. It is a full-fledged preparation material with mock questions that are very similar to the actual exam. In fact, the entire environment is built up in a way that candidates like us are able to clear the exam without any problems.

    Jul 21 2023 - 20:33
  • I am from a very small town in Germany – Bamberg. We do not have enough resources here to prepare for the Global Professional in Human Resources Certification. My parents had thought that by the time I will grow up, there would be coaching centers in Bamberg. But this did not happen. Our town plans to remain a small and beautiful town and I am proud of it. However, for preparation of the certification I had to find a resource. I did not want to shift to the city so started looking for online options and came across GPHR mock simulation for practice online. It has been 2 months and my professional life is quite eventful. I am working online to stay in Bamberg itself.

    Jul 21 2023 - 19:14
  • Getting different resources for different exams and managing them is a very difficult task. So I opted for OMG-OCUP2-FOUND100 mock questions for practice. The beauty of these questions is that they are designed and put together in a manner that they are fit for all the certification exams that I am going to appear in. this is quite interesting and time-saving. I do not have to prepare for OMG Certified UML Professional 2 - Foundation Certification and then for other exams.

    Jul 21 2023 - 11:59
  • ISTQB CTAL-ATT Certification is awesome I must say. I have earlier too cleared a certification based on this study format and it is very very helpful. I am happy that I was recommended ISTQB CTAL-ATT practice exam environment by my friend. I have been ticking boxes since that very time. My resume looks wonderful and I am proud that I have cleared so many certifications.

    Jul 21 2023 - 11:59
  • This is a magnificent way to prepare for the CLTD certification exam. It has given me the wings to fly and be more responsive to the questions asked in any kind of exam. I would definitely recommend the Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution premium practice simulators online because it is very helpful in so many beautiful ways i could think of.

    Jul 21 2023 - 11:35
  • My goal remains to be the best version of my own self. I am one of the highly paid professionals in the industry I belong to. All this became possible after I appeared for the ASQ Certified Quality Technician Certification exam and cleared it with superb score. I had chosen the CQT simulator with practice questions to prepare. This helped me understand what all goes into the practice and how to differentiate oneself in the competition.

    Jul 21 2023 - 08:41
  • I am quite successful at work now. But this was not always the case. I was a meek and submissive personality. I was not even chosen for promotions and appraisals at office. I decided to appear for the CSCP certification exam and things started taking shape in my life. After becoming a premium member of the Certified Supply Chain Professional premium practice simulators online, success became easier to acquire.

    robin day
    Jul 21 2023 - 06:48