IIBA CCBA Certification Exam Sample Questions

CCBA Dumps PDF, Business Analysis Capability Dumps, download Business Analysis Capability free Dumps, IIBA Business Analysis Capability exam questions, free online Business Analysis Capability exam questionsYou have to pass the CCBA exam to receive the certification from IIBA. To increase the effectiveness of your study and make you familiar with the actual exam pattern, we have prepared this IIBA Business Analysis Capability sample questions. Our Sample IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis Practice Exam will give you more insight about both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the IIBA Business Analysis Capability exam.

However, we are strongly recommending practice with our Premium IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) Practice Exam to achieve the best score in your actual IIBA CCBA Exam. The premium practice exam questions are more comprehensive, exam oriented, scenario-based and exact match of IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis exam questions.

IIBA Business Analysis Capability Sample Questions:

01. The first draft of the requirements specification has been completed by the business analyst (BA), and is now ready for review by stakeholders to ensure requirements and designs have been defined correctly.
What technique will ensure requirements have been identified correctly?
a) Brainstorm measurable evaluation criteria
b) Apply a checklist to verify quality
c) Evaluate the alignment with solution scope
d) Create list of assumptions to support requirements
02. Reference Scenario: click here
While measuring solution performance, which one of the following considerations should you take into account when you collect performance measures?
Select the correct answers from the following choices:
a) Volume or sample size
b) Purpose of measure
c) Customer culture
d) Enterprise environment
03. A business analyst (BA) defined the future state for a financial organization that aligns with the overarching vision. What is an example of a business objective contained in the organization's future state?
a) Capture customer details for reporting
b) Develop a new portal to sell products and services
c) Increase sales by 30% by the end of next year
d) Create better help text on the existing portal
04. You are currently reviewing a specific requirement to see if it is atomic. What is an atomic requirement?
a) Operationally feasible and fits within budget and schedule constraints
b) Logically structured in a related group and able to be changed
c) Technically feasible with a wide range of implementation options
d) Self-contained and capable of being understood independently
05. A company has been using an application for several years but one component still involves manual data entry. A project is started to automate this function that will impact several different business units.
What is the business analyst's (BA) first step in the project?
a) Schedule a requirements workshop
b) Model the scope of the requirements
c) Perform stakeholder analysis
d) Prioritize the business requirements
06. Which statement about conducting stakeholder analysis for the business analysis activities on a project is false?
a) Done as long as business analysis work continues
b) Determines stakeholder influence and levels of authority
c) Performed as soon as the business need is identified
d) Conducted during the project phase to which it applies
07. A company is developing a public web site for hotel reservations and assigns two business analysts (BAs) to the project. The first BA focuses on the requirements for the “Login” feature and the second BA focuses on requirements for “Registration” feature.
Which of the following describes the traceability relationship between the requirements owned by the second BA and the requirements owned by the first BA?
a) Derives- Necessity
b) Derives- Effort
c) Depends- Necessity
d) Depends- Effort
08. What technique might assist you in measuring solution performance?
a) Business cases
b) Decision analysis
c) Vendor assessment
d) Metrics and KPIs
09. A business analyst (BA) was eliciting requirements for a machine's functionality from a stakeholder. The stakeholder tried to explain the steps in the process and how it is performed. Despite repeated attempts, the BA could not comprehend the process.
Which of the following techniques would help the BA understand the requirements?
a) Review a paper prototype
b) Use a graphic user interface
c) Observe the product in use
d) Interview the operator
10. You are defining the traceability approach for your requirements. You want to make sure that the business analysis team traces the relationship between functional requirements and the solution components that implement those requirements.
This is an example of which traceability relationship?
a) Satisfy
b) Derive
c) Validate
d) Depends


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: d
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: a

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